[Fiware-smart-industry-dc] FIWARE Global Summit - Smart Industry Agenda

Sergio Gusmeroli sergio.gusmeroli at polimi.it
Mon Mar 12 20:36:47 CET 2018

Dear Jorge, thank you so much for your effort. Pls let me know when the agenda is final, so that we can start inviting speakers.

Do speakers pay?

How much is the booth for the exhibitors? How many exhibitors maximum?



Sergio Gusmeroli

Research Coordinator

Politecnico di Milano

Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering

Piazza L. da Vinci, 32 I-20133 Milano

Office: Via R. Lambruschini 4/b, Milano

Mob +39 348 7806852

Da: fiware-smart-industry-dc-bounces at lists.fiware.org <fiware-smart-industry-dc-bounces at lists.fiware.org> per conto di Rodriguez, Jorge <jorge.rodriguez at atos.net>
Inviato: lunedì 12 marzo 2018 11:07
A: Fiware-smart-industry-dc at lists.fiware.org
Oggetto: [Fiware-smart-industry-dc] FIWARE Global Summit - Smart Industry Agenda

Dear all:

                Please, find attached the semi-final agenda of the Smart Industry slots at FIWARE Summit in Porto. We would like to close it between today and tomorrow so if you have any comment, please, before Tuesday the 13th. Thanks.

Kind Regards,

Jorge Rodriguez Edroso

Head of Sector

Manufacturing & Retail

Atos Research & Innovation

jorge.rodriguez at atos.net<mailto:jorge.rodriguez at atos.net>

Phone +34 94 666 20 39

Mobile +34 675 620 211

Camino Capuchinos de Basurto, 6 - 3ºB
48013 Bilbao – Spain

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