Hi Sergio, regulation so far: - speakers from inside the FIWARE community pay - from outside not - exhibition spaces are provided this time again for free - we are expecting 20 exhibitors Best Regards Ulrich Ahle Chief Executive Officer FIWARE Foundation Franklinstrasse 13 A 10587 Berlin - Germany phone: +49-174-1533348 mail: ulrich.ahle at fiware.org www.fiware.org twitter: @AhleFIWARE <https://www.fiware.org/summit/global-2018/> <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fiware-global-summit-porto-tickets-42234131424> <https://www.linkedin.com/company/3332762/admin/updates/> <https://www.facebook.com/eu.fiware/> <https://twitter.com/FIWARE> On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 8:36 PM, Sergio Gusmeroli < sergio.gusmeroli at polimi.it> wrote: > Dear Jorge, thank you so much for your effort. Pls let me know when the > agenda is final, so that we can start inviting speakers. > > Do speakers pay? > > How much is the booth for the exhibitors? How many exhibitors maximum? > > sergio > > > ________________ > > Sergio Gusmeroli > > Research Coordinator > > Politecnico di Milano > > Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering > > Piazza L. da Vinci, 32 I-20133 Milano > > Office: Via R. Lambruschini 4/b, Milano > > Mob +39 348 7806852 <+39%20348%20780%206852> > > > ------------------------------ > *Da:* fiware-smart-industry-dc-bounces at lists.fiware.org < > fiware-smart-industry-dc-bounces at lists.fiware.org> per conto di > Rodriguez, Jorge <jorge.rodriguez at atos.net> > *Inviato:* lunedì 12 marzo 2018 11:07 > *A:* Fiware-smart-industry-dc at lists.fiware.org > *Oggetto:* [Fiware-smart-industry-dc] FIWARE Global Summit - Smart > Industry Agenda > > > Dear all: > > > > Please, find attached the semi-final agenda of the Smart > Industry slots at FIWARE Summit in Porto. We would like to close it between > today and tomorrow so if you have any comment, please, before Tuesday the 13 > th. Thanks. > > > > Kind Regards, > > *Jorge Rodriguez Edroso* > > Head of Sector > > Manufacturing & Retail > > Atos Research & Innovation > > jorge.rodriguez at atos.net > > Phone +34 94 666 20 39 > > Mobile +34 675 620 211 <+34%20675%2062%2002%2011> > > Camino Capuchinos de Basurto, 6 - 3ºB > 48013 Bilbao – Spain > > *Feel free to download our booklet at* > > *http://booklet.atosresearch.eu/ <http://booklet.atosresearch.eu/>* > > > This e-mail and the documents attached are confidential and intended > solely for the addressee; it may also be privileged. If you receive this > e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and destroy it. > As its integrity cannot be secured on the Internet, the Atos group > liability cannot be triggered for the message content. Although the sender > endeavors to maintain a computer virus-free network, the sender does not > warrant that this transmission is virus-free and will not be liable for any > damages resulting from any virus transmitted. > > Este mensaje y los ficheros adjuntos pueden contener información > confidencial destinada solamente a la(s) persona(s) mencionadas > anteriormente y pueden estar protegidos por secreto profesional. > Si usted recibe este correo electrónico por error, gracias por informar > inmediatamente al remitente y destruir el mensaje. > Al no estar asegurada la integridad de este mensaje sobre la red, Atos no > se hace responsable por su contenido. Su contenido no constituye ningún > compromiso para el grupo Atos, salvo ratificación escrita por ambas partes. > Aunque se esfuerza al máximo por mantener su red libre de virus, el emisor > no puede garantizar nada al respecto y no será responsable de cualesquiera > daños que puedan resultar de una transmisión de virus. > > ____________________________________________________________ > ______________________________ > > You can get more information about our cookies and privacy policies on the > following links: > - http://forge.fiware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/ > index.php/FIWARE_Privacy_Policy > - http://forge.fiware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/ > index.php/Cookies_Policy_FIWARE > > Fiware-smart-industry-dc mailing list > Fiware-smart-industry-dc at lists.fiware.org > https://lists.fiware.org/listinfo/fiware-smart-industry-dc > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <https://lists.fiware.org/private/fiware-smart-industry-dc/attachments/20180312/8a2c6746/attachment-0001.html>
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