[Fiware-smart-industry-dtc] Kick-off of activities of FIWARE Smart Industry Domain Committee

Oscar Lazaro olazaro at innovalia.org
Thu Apr 6 10:11:52 CEST 2017

Dear all


As I stressed in my previous e-mail. The EFFRA vision is now moving to Factory 4.0 with the Smart & Connected Factory in the last White Paper shaping future challenges.



In fact, in the Industry 4.0 vision the connection between the smart factory, the smart product and the connected world has always been a foundation. So for me this is the link to


*	Iot products feeding to production
*	Self-organizing Autonomous Production
*	Connected Manufactuing Networks (production & logistics).


We may even thing of these 3 levels and try to see what is the role of FIWARE from smart (PSS) service perspective, BeinCPPS background and/or Digital manufacturing platforms (digital manufacturing/digital twin) FoF 11 in the factory itself.


Kind regards




De: fiware-smart-industry-dtc-bounces at lists.fiware.org [mailto:fiware-smart-industry-dtc-bounces at lists.fiware.org] En nombre de Ernoe Kovacs
Enviado el: jueves, 06 de abril de 2017 10:01
Para: Sergio Gusmeroli <sergio.gusmeroli at polimi.it>; Ulrich Ahle <ulrich.ahle at fiware.org>
CC: Fiware-smart-industry-dtc at lists.fiware.org; nuria.delama at atos.net
Asunto: Re: [Fiware-smart-industry-dtc] Kick-off of activities of FIWARE Smart Industry Domain Committee


Hi Sergio,

see inline...

From: Sergio Gusmeroli [mailto:sergio.gusmeroli at polimi.it] 
Sent: Donnerstag, 6. April 2017 07:32
To: Ernoe Kovacs; Ulrich Ahle
Cc: Fiware-smart-industry-dtc at lists.fiware.org <mailto:Fiware-smart-industry-dtc at lists.fiware.org> ; nuria.delama at atos.net <mailto:nuria.delama at atos.net> ; Stefan Gessler; Sergio Gusmeroli
Subject: Re: [Fiware-smart-industry-dtc] Kick-off of activities of FIWARE Smart Industry Domain Committee


Dear Enroe, all.

1.	so I will be awaiting for your draft agenda. is 11.30 - 18.00 on May 30th confirmed?
-->Ulrich, FF, time slot confirmed?
2.	speakers, FF already taking action to contact  as well it is up to FF. So I will be waiting
I think it would be good if the program would be shaped by all participant.
Happy to have further suggestions.
3.	“FIWARE for Industry: achievements and new challenges” was not intended to be a panel but a set of experiences. Again agenda (1) and invited speakers (2) will drive it. I will be waiting for 1 and 2 and then give my contribution
OK, Let’s build that into the agenda.

I think you said that you can organize a 2-3 hour session. If I understand the schedule of the Summit correctly, we should plan in 1 hour blocks.
So you would take two blocks and we see whether a third one is available?
4.	“Implementing Industry 4.0 with FIWARE” Sorry if I have misinderstood the parallel session "Smart Industry". So what is the focus of the session if it is not Industry 4.0? Digitalization happening everywhere? You mean healthcare, finance, public administration (agriculture and smart city domains are covered by the other two parallel sessions) I would change the name and the focus of the parallel session in this case. Smart industry in these times is quite synonymous of Industry 4.0

First, I think there is nothing like a clear definition what the session should target, so no misunderstanding. We are shaping it.
I agree, there should be a session that is talking about how FIWARE can help in I4.0.

For the forward looking aspect: Maybe I am misunderstanding I4.0, but for me this is mainly about the “inner working” of Industries, ranging from Smart Factory, Smart Supply Chains, Smart Innovation (Process), 
Smart Solutions (Creation). I am wondering how the overall progressing digitalization is feeding back into the Industry. With the products always connected back to the supplier, with increasingly elastic IoT 
which enables us to update products on the fly, with FIWARE enabling us to determine the Context of the product use, how would that change the Smart Industries? I think we are already seeing the
need that basically all products get their digital twin and provide services with it. If in the future I cannot sell my car because I cannot transfer the digital data and services around it, we have a problem.
This is where an open platform like FIWARE can help…




Enjoying a deeper look & good discussions on how to shape Smart Industries with FIWARE---
- Ernoe



Sergio Gusmeroli

Research Coordinator

Politecnico di Milano

Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering

Piazza L. da Vinci, 32 I-20133 Milano

Office: Via R. Lambruschini 4/b, Milano

Mob +39 348 7806852



Da: Ernoe Kovacs <Ernoe.Kovacs at neclab.eu <mailto:Ernoe.Kovacs at neclab.eu> >
Inviato: giovedì 6 aprile 2017 00.00
A: Ulrich Ahle; Sergio Gusmeroli
Cc: Fiware-smart-industry-dtc at lists.fiware.org <mailto:Fiware-smart-industry-dtc at lists.fiware.org> ; nuria.delama at atos.net <mailto:nuria.delama at atos.net> ; Stefan Gessler
Oggetto: RE: [Fiware-smart-industry-dtc] Kick-off of activities of FIWARE Smart Industry Domain Committee 


Hi Ulrich, Sergio

though I have been assigned to organize the Smart Industry part of the Summit “on-the-fly”, 
I feel now responsible for it. Sorry for not answering your suggestions fast.

Sergio, Oscar, Ulrich, let’s get organized for the event.


Action taken:

-          Cross-check NEC internal for the speech of Y. Mochizuiki
He will do a much evolved version of the speech at the FIWARE Open Day
with focus on industrial applicability.

-          Cross-Check with Olaf one the organization of the two sessions
to ensure Y. Mochizuki can be present in both sessions.


Ulrich, Sergio, Nuria,
I would be very grateful for any support I receive . The idea to start
from the respective panel in Malaga is a good one.


The protocol has a set of good suggestions. 
(1) Speakers
I am seeing FF already taking action to contact respective speakers.
(2) Experiences
@Sergio: I think it is a good idea to organize a panel around your suggested topic
“FIWARE for Industry: achievements and new challenges”
@Sergio: I think the final panel “Implementing Industry 4.0 with FIWARE”
is a good one. Only concern, are we restricting us too much with the focus on I4.0?
IMHO, there is Digitalization happening everywhere and that might have impact
beyond the current I4.0 thinking. 

(3) FoF projects – I would be happy if we can reach out to them.


Looking forward to organize a exciting session on Smart Industry…

-          Ernoe



Dr. Ernö Kovacs        エルノー・コヴァーチェ

NEC Europe Ltd.        NEC Laboratories Europe     Senior Manager Cloud Service and Smart Things

Kurfürsten-Anlage 36 | D-69115 Heidelberg          E-Mail:  <mailto:ernoe.kovacs at neclab.eu> ernoe.kovacs at neclab.eu

Tel.  +49 6221 4342 – 131 | Fax. +49 6221 4342 – 115  Mobile: +49 (163) 2086046

NEC Europe Limited | Registered Office: Athene, Odyssey Business Park, West End Road, London, HA4 6QE, GB | 
Registered in England 2832014



From: fiware-smart-industry-dtc-bounces at lists.fiware.org <mailto:fiware-smart-industry-dtc-bounces at lists.fiware.org>  [mailto:fiware-smart-industry-dtc-bounces at lists.fiware.org] On Behalf Of Ulrich Ahle
Sent: Mittwoch, 5. April 2017 22:50
To: Sergio Gusmeroli
Cc: Fiware-smart-industry-dtc at lists.fiware.org <mailto:Fiware-smart-industry-dtc at lists.fiware.org> ; nuria.delama at atos.net <mailto:nuria.delama at atos.net> 
Subject: Re: [Fiware-smart-industry-dtc] Kick-off of activities of FIWARE Smart Industry Domain Committee


Dear Sergio,


thank you for your initiative. I will try to give you a call tomorrow arround noon.


Have I been invited to the web conf this morning?


I have been working my whole career in manufacturing but I have to say that regarding FIWARE I feel actually better informed regarding SmartCity and Smart Agrifood than regarding SamrtIndustry.


But we will make it






On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 9:32 AM, Sergio Gusmeroli <sergio.gusmeroli at polimi.it <mailto:sergio.gusmeroli at polimi.it> > wrote:

Dear smart industry dtc,

we just had a web conf about Utrecht Summit program and the "Smart Industry" session on May 30th 11.30 - 18.00. I proposed some ideas, but nobody replied. Pls Stefane and Enroe, what do you think? Do you have your own ideas?


If we wish to have a successful parallel session, we are already late, so we should confirm the program ASAP. Oscar and Nuria organised a panel in malaga and I think we should start from their conclusions, but we need to hurry up, otehrwise I am afraid we will have to cancel our session.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon



Sergio Gusmeroli

Research Coordinator

Politecnico di Milano

Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering

Piazza L. da Vinci, 32 I-20133 Milano

Office: Via R. Lambruschini 4/b, Milano

Mob +39 348 7806852 <tel:+39%20348%20780%206852> 



Da: fiware-smart-industry-dtc-bounces at lists.fiware.org <mailto:fiware-smart-industry-dtc-bounces at lists.fiware.org>  <fiware-smart-industry-dtc-bounces at lists.fiware.org <mailto:fiware-smart-industry-dtc-bounces at lists.fiware.org> > per conto di Juanjo Hierro <juanjose.hierro at fiware.org <mailto:juanjose.hierro at fiware.org> >
Inviato: mercoledì 29 marzo 2017 07.45
A: Fiware-smart-industry-dtc at lists.fiware.org <mailto:Fiware-smart-industry-dtc at lists.fiware.org> 
Oggetto: [Fiware-smart-industry-dtc] Kick-off of activities of FIWARE Smart Industry Domain Committee 


Dear Oscar, Stefane, Ernoe, Sergio,

  First of all, please confirm reception of this mail.

  As part of the plan towards pushing for the adoption of FIWARE in the different verticals we would like to focus on (Smart Cities, Smart Agrifood, Smart Industry) we will launch activities of new so-called FIWARE Domain Committees, each per identified domain.   

  In this respect, we have created a FIWARE Smart Industry Domain Committee and have included you as initial members in a mailing list that we have created as a tool for the discussions (the mailing list you are receiving this mail through).   The FIWARE Foundation BoO and Angeles Tejado as representative of the FIWARE Press Office are also members of the mailing list.

  There are some concrete tasks that we would need to launch at this point and for which we would need your support/engagement:

*	Definition of content for the dedicated parallel track that will be focused on your vertical domain in the next FIWARE Summit event that will take place in Utrecht on May 29-31, 2017 (this parallel track most likely will take place on May 30, from 11:30am on).   This will mean identifying keynote speakers, organizing panels with relevant domain stakeholders, etc.   As representatives of a company in the FIWARE Foundation BoD, we suggest that Stefano or Ernoe take the lead on this but, of course, this should be a collaborative effort (and the FIWARE Foundation will for sure try to contribute as much as we can).  You will be soon called as members of the FIWARE Summit Program Committee that we are about to launch.  Please stay tuned.
*	Identification of relevant success stories of "Powered by FIWARE" solutions to bring to the FIWARE Marketplace and also to the Exhibition Area at the FIWARE Summit.
*	Design of a specific brochure focused on the delivering key marketing messages regarding the value proposition as well as success stories of FIWARE on the Smart Industry sector.  The FIWARE Press Office, led by our new CMO, Garan Goodman, will work with you on this. 
*	Whitepaper elaborating on the vision from a business but also technical perspective (as with regards the technical perspective, you can count on me and I will engaging members of the FIWARE Foundation technical staff as needed) 

  In the longer run, we expect that each FIWARE Domain Committee will lead to coordination of the developments of Domain-Specific Enablers as well as Domain-specific Common Context Information Modls in coordination with the FIWARE Technical Steering Committee.   Probably Smart Cities is the area on which we have progress more so far in this respect, but we hope other results will become also highly visible in other domains in the short time.

  The FIWARE Domain Committee will be also the perfect forum to run discussion on how to foster adoption of FIWARE in the particular sector, push for the adoption of policies helping in this adoption from Public Administrations, etc.

  Of course, these FIWARE Domain Committees will have to coordinate with the activities of the cross-vertical FIWARE Mission Support Committees that have recently been created: FIWARE Accelerator, FIWARE iHubs and FIWARE Mundus.   We will create a mailing list for overall coordination and call for specific meetings to oversee such coordination, including activities that may be common to several Committees.

  We have created the following shared folder in Google Drive as workspace for your convenience:


  We would encourage the creation of a charter for this Committee so that it can be formally proposed to the FIWARE BoD for approval, which will bring certain benefits (but also the demand to deliver results, since exposure would be higher :-)   As a reference, you may consider the Charter of the recently formed (interim) FIWARE iHubs Committee you can find here:


  You probably will be able to generate a new one by just copying it and adapting.  However, I would suggest that first demonstrate ourselves we can run the activity because if we are not able to produce results for the first list of tasks, probably we are not yet there to create a Committee.



Juanjo Hierro 



Chief Technology Officer
FIWARE Foundation 


email: juanjose.hierro at fiware.org <mailto:juanjose.hierro at fiware.org> 
www: http://fiware.org
twitter: @JuanjoHierro @FIWARE 





Best Regards

Ulrich Ahle



Chief Executive Officer
FIWARE Foundation


Franklinstrasse 13 A

10587 Berlin - Germany


phone: +49-174-1533348

mail: ulrich.ahle at fiware.org <mailto:ulrich.ahle at fiware.org> 

 <http://www.fiware.org/> www.fiware.org

twitter: @FIWARE



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