[Fiware-streaming] FIWARE Streaming and Storage GE: updated document

Mischler Denis denis.mischler at technicolor.com
Wed Jul 25 11:46:05 CEST 2012

Thanks for this good proposal.
I updated the wiki here : http://forge.fi-ware.eu/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/Materializing_Data/Context_Management_in_FI-WARE#Stream-oriented_Generic_Enablers

I hope I did not miss something and everything you proposed is in there.
This should now be closed during the call this afternoon.

Best regards


From: Sofia Tsekeridou [mailto:sots at ait.gr]
Sent: mardi 24 juillet 2012 19:17
To: Mischler Denis; Bille Bize Masson Claire (ORANGE); fiware-streaming at lists.fi-ware.eu
Cc: FLOURY Cedric (France Telecom); BRUN Arnaud (France Telecom); Fourdeux Henri
Subject: FIWARE Streaming and Storage GE: updated document

Dear Dennis, all,

Attached please find a first attempt of mine to update the Streaming and Storage GE description based on the recent discussions on storage aspects and on content processing aspects after going through the documentation on the MMA GE (codoan) and White Diamond - I have to admit that the documentation of the latter on the Wiki is very limited and, as Philipp mentioned, access to Fusion Forge documentation is not allowed. However, I understood that White Diamond is more image analysis performed on a query image that the user/application submits to retrieve information on "objects, persons, covers, barcodes, etc". I assume this is performed by image-based similarity (feature-based) while they must have already annotated images/image library. This is what I understood based on the limited documentation. Thus, I accordingly reflected further requirements from our side.

With warm regards,

Dr. Sofia Tsekeridou
Assistant Professor
Head of Multimedia, Knowledge and Web Technologies Research Area<http://www.ait.gr/ait_web_site/research_MKWT.jsp>
Athens Information Technology - AIT<http://www.ait.gr>
0.8 km Markopoulou Ave.
19002 Peania, Athens, GREECE
Tel.: +302106682804, Fax: +302106682703
E-mail: sots at ait.gr<mailto://sots@ait.gr>
           sofia at ieee.org<mailto://sofia@ieee.org>
Web: http://www.ait.gr/ait_web_site/faculty/sots/tsekeridou.html
From: Mischler Denis [denis.mischler at technicolor.com]
Sent: 23 July 2012 17:05
To: Sofia Tsekeridou; Bille Bize Masson Claire (ORANGE)
Cc: FLOURY Cedric (France Telecom); BRUN Arnaud (France Telecom); Fourdeux Henri
Subject: RE: FIWARE Streaming GE & SafeCity Video Analytics + other
Thanks a lot for doing this. So, during the call on Wednesday I will recommend to include the storage EPIC and call the GE : "Streaming and storage"

From: Sofia Tsekeridou [mailto:sots at ait.gr]
Sent: lundi 23 juillet 2012 15:10
To: Mischler Denis; Bille Bize Masson Claire (ORANGE)
Cc: FLOURY Cedric (France Telecom); BRUN Arnaud (France Telecom); Fourdeux Henri
Subject: RE: FIWARE Streaming GE & SafeCity Video Analytics + other

Hi Dennis,

I will try to merge the two based on our requirements along with the work on the MMA GE updates and the updated description on the processing epic and will provide the next version of the document by tomorrow end of day as promised.

I believe storage on the cloud of multimedia data (even data that serve a city guide use case) is very important. By the way, do you happen to have a more elaborate document of the Storage GE?

With warm regards,


Dr. Sofia Tsekeridou
Assistant Professor
Head of Multimedia, Knowledge and Web Technologies Research Area<http://www.ait.gr/ait_web_site/research_MKWT.jsp>
Athens Information Technology - AIT<http://www.ait.gr>
0.8 km Markopoulou Ave.
19002 Peania, Athens, GREECE
Tel.: +302106682804, Fax: +302106682703
E-mail: sots at ait.gr<mailto://sots@ait.gr>
           sofia at ieee.org<mailto://sofia@ieee.org>
Web: http://www.ait.gr/ait_web_site/faculty/sots/tsekeridou.html
From: Mischler Denis [denis.mischler at technicolor.com]
Sent: 23 July 2012 15:52
To: Bille Bize Masson Claire (ORANGE); Sofia Tsekeridou
Cc: FLOURY Cedric (France Telecom); BRUN Arnaud (France Telecom); Fourdeux Henri
Subject: RE: FIWARE Streaming GE & SafeCity Video Analytics + other
OK in this case I will recommend to Sofia from SAFECITY to feel free to do for their best, and why not, merge STREAMING and STORAGE into one enabler ; so we would have done the job to push for storage in the FI-WARE instance.

From: claire.billebize at orange.com [mailto:claire.billebize at orange.com]
Sent: lundi 23 juillet 2012 14:20
To: Mischler Denis; sots at ait.gr
Cc: FLOURY Cedric (France Telecom); BRUN Arnaud (France Telecom); Fourdeux Henri
Subject: RE: FIWARE Streaming GE & SafeCity Video Analytics + other

Hello all,
Following the results of our last D2.2 and D2.3 on going we will push the "city guide" use case.
In this context, this enabler is no more a "must " on our side according the use case chosen.
It is a "could" that we will validate the interest during next few weeks as it can become out of the scope.
I hope this answer your question.
Don't hesitate to come back to us if needed.
Best regards,

De : Mischler Denis [mailto:denis.mischler at technicolor.com]
Envoyé : mercredi 18 juillet 2012 11:43
Objet : FW: FIWARE Streaming GE & SafeCity Video Analytics + other

Bonjour Claire,
Je ne sais pas si les vacances des uns et des autres permet de clore cette discussion avant fin Juillet ?

From: Sofia Tsekeridou [mailto:<mailto:sots at ait.gr> ]
Sent: mercredi 18 juillet 2012 11:37
To: Peretz Gurel; Mischler Denis
Cc: FLOURY Cedric (France Telecom); BRUN Arnaud (France Telecom); Fourdeux Henri
Subject: RE: FIWARE Streaming GE & SafeCity Video Analytics + other

Dear Peretz,

As Denis suggested, I would further discuss this with Cedric and Arnaud providing them all the specifics of SafeCity and will see how we proceed from there on. I will let you know.

With warm regards,


Dr. Sofia Tsekeridou
Assistant Professor
Head of Multimedia, Knowledge and Web Technologies Research Area<http://www.ait.gr/ait_web_site/research_MKWT.jsp>
Athens Information Technology - AIT<http://www.ait.gr>
0.8 km Markopoulou Ave.
19002 Peania, Athens, GREECE
Tel.: +302106682804, Fax: +302106682703
E-mail: sots at ait.gr<mailto://sots@ait.gr>
           sofia at ieee.org<mailto://sofia@ieee.org>
Web: http://www.ait.gr/ait_web_site/faculty/sots/tsekeridou.html
From: Peretz Gurel [peretz at athenaiss.com]
Sent: 18 July 2012 10:46
To: Mischler Denis; Sofia Tsekeridou
Cc: FLOURY Cedric (France Telecom); BRUN Arnaud (France Telecom); Fourdeux Henri
Subject: RE: FIWARE Streaming GE & SafeCity Video Analytics + other
Dear Denis, Sofia,
I have read the description of the content storage below.
It seems that the goal of this GE is to provide storage for many small video clips generated by many people with smartphones and uploaded to the cloud. This is fine.
However, this does not answer the requirements for SafeCity application where several thousands of video cameras stream nonstop video 24X7.
This nonstop stream has to be stored for a period of X days (X changes from country to country) and then permanently destroyed (legal requirement).
Random Access to the stored video file of each camera should be possible for many applications at the same time.
The requirement was illustrated in the AB meeting by the drawing below.

Best regards,

Peretz Gurel
European Projects Manager
Athena security implementations Ltd
Office:  +972-3-5572548
Mobile: +972-54-4734045
Email: peretz at athenaiss.com<mailto:peretz at athenaiss.com>

[cid:image001.jpg at 01CD6A5A.C1DD5040]

From: Mischler Denis [mailto:denis.mischler at technicolor.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 5:09 PM
To: Sofia Tsekeridou
Cc: FLOURY Cedric (France Telecom); BRUN Arnaud (France Telecom); Peretz Gurel; Fourdeux Henri
Subject: RE: FIWARE Streaming GE & SafeCity Video Analytics + other

Hello Sofia,
Thanks for you proposal.
It was not that clear to me how the Storage and the Streaming should be grouped in the same GE. In addition, we have to finish this by end of July. So, my interpretation is the following :

-          For Video Analytics in the pixel domain we have already an EPIC where you contributed largely and it remains open if want to add more things

-          Video Analytics at the Gateway :  the answer from Juanjo was to say it should utilize the cloud proxy, which I agree but don't see how we can include this in our GE.

-          Video Storage and retrieval : this was more discussed because storage and retrieval is another GE already proposed. Particularly, Cedric and Arnaud, from the FI-CONTENT project have proposed a GE which I attach here under. I propose to find an agreement with these guys whether we should add it as an epic to our Streaming G. Enabler or keep it separate as en extension to the existing FI-WARE enabler ?

Best regards

1.1.1 - Content Storage, Access and Management - General description and Status of the discussions with FI-WARE


Content Storage, Access and Management


Orange: C. Floury, A. Brun



FI-WARE related chapter and contact names

FI-WARE Section 3.2.4 (Object Storage Generic Enabler)

FI-Ware references

Object Storage Generic Enabler

Related EPICs in FI-WARE

FIContent.Epic.ContentStorageAccessAndManagement<https://forge.fi-ware.eu/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/FIContent.Epic.ContentStorageAccessAndManagement> -- Facilitate digital literacy, develop social interaction around digital content (facilitate ubiquitous content access and remote interaction between people). Provide people with a Personal Cloud infrastructure enabling persistence and integrity of their content and an ubiquitous access of their content.

Summary of technical elements exchanged with FI-WARE

ENVIROFI does foresee such enablers for observations.
ENVIROFI team<https://forge.fi-ware.eu/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php?title=User:Envirofi&action=edit&redlink=1> 21:53, 11 December 2011 (UTC)M18


See Cloud Data Management Interface, SNIA Technical Position:

FI-WARE feedback

to be provided in the M18 version


1. SoA and is available off-the-shelf


1. being researched and developed by core platform - Enablers technical description

Content Storage, Access and Management


Orange: C. Floury, A. Brun



Proposed by Content Area


Relevance for other Content Areas

Content Area C and B

WP2 Use Case
Functional Requirements

*  Domain B:

o   Multiple users recommendation

*         Access to content from System (Operator) and SNs (Facebook, Google+) (Management)

*  Content Presentation

*         Visualization on multiple devices (Retrieval of results on multiple devices)

*         Interactive navigation interfaces (Exploration of results on multiple devices)

*         Semantic Linking (Exploration of results on multiple devices)

o   Clickable Video

*  Content Preprocessing:

*         Add information into a video using a specific tool & a specific format (Metadata generation)

*         The metadata are provided with the content (Ingestion)

*  Content Presentation:

*         Visualization on TV (discreet) and/or on tablet (Inform users)

*         Access to the metadata (links, apps, etc..) (Access)

*         Contextual additional information

*  Domain C: 3

o   Create and Share in a "Hybrid World"

*  Content Enrichment

*         Enrich contents with metadata information (Metadata, Key words, media type)

*  Collaboration

*         Share multimedia content across "Hybrid World"

*         Semantic analysis (Upload Content for Storage and Indexing)

*         Preview (Upload Content for Storage and Indexing)

*         Metadata management (format, codecs, ....) (Upload Content for Storage and Indexing)

*         Indexing (Upload Content for Storage and Indexing)

o   Create and Share around an event

*  Content Enrichment

*         Enrich contents with metadatas (events) informations (Metadata, Key words, media type)

*  Collaboration

*         Share live multimedia content (captured by participants) (Live Sharing & Content adaptation)

*         Send content to Vjay service (Live Sharing & Content adaptation)

*         Semantic analysis (Upload Content for Storage and Indexing)

*         Preview (Upload Content for Storage and Indexing)

*         Metadata management (format, codecs, ....) (Upload Content for Storage and Indexing)

*         Indexing (Upload Content for Storage and Indexing)

o   Create and Share a family book

*  Content Enrichment

*         Enrich contents with metadatas and voices (Metadata, Key words, media type)

*  Collaboration

*         Semantic analysis (Upload Content for Storage and Indexing)

*         Preview (Upload Content for Storage and Indexing)

*         Metadata management (format, codecs, ....) (Upload Content for Storage and Indexing)

*         Indexing (Upload Content for Storage and Indexing)


Facilitate digital literacy, develop social interaction around digital content (facilitate ubiquitous content access and remote interaction between people).
Provide people with a Personal Cloud infrastructure enabling persistence and integrity of their content and an ubiquitous access of their content.

Basic Concepts

The user can store his content (text, image, sound, video and associated metadata) and his contacts on a Personal Cloud (entity in the cloud that is controlled by the user). Here, large scale databases need to be provided.

The user can access the content that is stored on his Personal Cloud or the content that is stored on the Personal Cloud of another user from any device (PC, mobile phone, tablet, etc.) connected to internet.
The user can define and manage lists of users that can (partially or fully) access the content present in his Personal Cloud.
The user can access the contacts that are stored on his Personal Cloud from any device (PC, mobile phone, tablet, etc.) connected to internet.

The user can define playlists, albums and favorites on his Personal Cloud.
The user can use tools to automatically manage the content that is stored on his Personal Cloud:
- Content organization by content type, name, format, size, date, metadata, tag, ranking, etc.
- Metadata enrichment based on content analysis, localization, etc.
- Deletion of duplicate contents,
- Modification of access rights,
- Etc.
The user can use content searching tools (according to name, type, format, size, date, metadata, tag, ranking, etc.) on the content stored on his Personal Cloud.
The user can use contact searching tools on the contact stored on his Personal Cloud.

Technical Functions

I) ) Storage:
Description: the user can store a content (text, image, sound, video and associated metadata) and his contacts on a Personal Cloud (entity in the cloud that is controlled by the user).

-          user's ID

-          content to store (text, image, sound, video), and associated metadata

-          contact to store

-          result: success or failure

-          failure cause: unsupported media format, corrupted media, maximum Personal Cloud size exceeded, unknown user, etc.

II) Access:
Description: the user can access the content that is stored on his Personal Cloud or the content that is stored on the Personal Cloud of another user from any device (PC, mobile phone, tablet, etc.) connected to internet.
The user can define and manage lists of users that can (partially or fully) access the content present in his Personal Cloud.
The user can access the contacts that are stored on his Personal Cloud from any device (PC, mobile phone, tablet, etc.) connected to internet.

-          user's ID

-          content

-          contact

-          result: success or failure

-          failure cause: unknown user, etc.

III) Management:
Description: the user can define playlists, albums and favorites on his Personal Cloud.

-          user's ID

-          action to do: add/delete/modify (a playlist, an album name or a favorite)

-          playlist/album/favorite name and content

-          result: success or failure

-          failure cause: unknown user, etc.

Description: The user can use tools to automatically manage the content that is stored on his Personal Cloud:
- Content organization by content type, name, format, size, date, metadata, tag, ranking, etc.
- Metadata enrichment based on content analysis, localization, etc.
- Deletion of duplicate contents,
- Modification of access rights,
- Etc.

-          user's ID

-          action to do: content organization, deletion of duplicate contents, etc.

-          result: success or failure

-          failure cause: unknown user, etc.


The Object Storage GE in FI-WARE will be composed of loosely coupled components. A potential architecting of this would be to separate the components for API handling, authentication, storage management and storage handling. Separating the main functional components of the system will allow for scaling. Given that the demand on storage systems is to ever increase the storage capacity, the system should scale with commodity hardware horizontally.


HTTP Requests
See Technical Functions


Json Response
See Technical Functions




See Cloud Data Management Interface, SNIA Technical Position:

Complexity / Maturity

Medium / Medium



From: Sofia Tsekeridou [mailto:sots at ait.gr]<mailto:[mailto:sots at ait.gr]>
Sent: lundi 16 juillet 2012 14:01
To: Mischler Denis
Subject: FIWARE Streaming GE & SafeCity Video Analytics + other

Dear Denis,

The SafeCity representative in the FIWARE AB informed me that a decision of the last meeting last week was that we collaborate on including further requirements (video analytics already included) from SafeCity to the Streaming GE (see below). He mentioned that this work should be finalized by the end of the month.

Do you plan to have a new version of the Streaming GE description document circulated? How do you think we should address the above point?

Please let me know.

With warm regards,


Dr. Sofia Tsekeridou
Assistant Professor
Head of Multimedia, Knowledge and Web Technologies Research Area<http://www.ait.gr/ait_web_site/research_MKWT.jsp>
Athens Information Technology - AIT<http://www.ait.gr>
0.8 km Markopoulou Ave.
19002 Peania, Athens, GREECE
Tel.: +302106682804, Fax: +302106682703
E-mail: sots at ait.gr<mailto://sots@ait.gr>
           sofia at ieee.org<mailto://sofia@ieee.org>
Web: http://www.ait.gr/ait_web_site/faculty/sots/tsekeridou.html
From: Peretz Gurel [peretz at athenaiss.com]
Sent: 12 July 2012 17:02
To: Sofia Tsekeridou
Cc: Diego Gimenez Perez
Subject: Video Analytics
Dear Sofia,
I have presented the PPT about video analytics. The part about video analytics in the pixel domain is already taken care of by the Streaming WG. It was agreed that the other topics as well will be handled by this WG in which you are already involved.
So please work with Denis Michler (who also attended the AB meeting) according to the Action Point (AP):

[cid:image002.jpg at 01CD6A5A.C1DD5040]

Note that the WG has to conclude its work by the end of the month so that the otcome will be available for the second open call.

Best regards,

Peretz Gurel
European Projects Manager
Athena security implementations Ltd
Office:  +972-3-5572548
Mobile: +972-54-4734045
Email: peretz at athenaiss.com<mailto:peretz at athenaiss.com>


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