[Fiware-summit-program-committee] Minutes of the call 16-10-27 about coordination of the FIWARE Summit

Jacques Magen (InterInnov) jmagen at interinnov.eu
Thu Nov 10 14:46:28 CET 2016

Dear Juanjo, Bernardita, all,

Concerning the point
>   Last but not least, you may be aware about our collaboration with 
> NIST regarding standardization on Smart Cities.   There will be a 
> high-level representative of NIST that will attend the FIWARE Summit. 
>   I was thinking about inviting him to the panel on Standardization of 
> Thursday December 15, but it is one possibility just in case.
This is exactly what I just suggested in my email i.e. to invite Chris 
Greer from NIST in that panel.
Also I would like to remind you that Smart Cities is the focus of the 
Global City Teams Challenge (GCTC) programme in which FIWARE is involved.

Talk to you later,



Jacques Magen

*jmagen at interinnov.eu*

Tel.: +33 9 81 03 98 49 / +33 7 60 46 50 23

www.interinnov.eu <http://www.interinnov.eu>

Twitter: @interinnov_eu <http://twitter.com/interinnov_eu>

Skype: jacques.magen

Le 10/11/2016 à 14:34, Juan José Hierro a écrit :
> Dear Bernardita,
>   Please let me share some input for the panel on Smart Cities.  I 
> keep the rest on copy because it may help to see the ambition for this 
> panel and I hope this can stimulate others!
>   First a little bit of background/confidential information, then I'll 
> go to the point on speakers I would propose for the panel.
>   The FIWARE Foundation is about to sign a Joint Collaboration Program 
> with TMForum, a rather large and well-established industrial 
> consortium, particularly influential among service providers.   
> Seeking for bringing value to their membership, the TMForum started a 
> Smart City Forum program [1] around two years ago which is becoming 
> more and more relevant in the domain of Smart Cities, among other 
> things thanks to the relevant resources that an organisation like this 
> can put in place.   As examples of this we can mention the work they 
> have carried out together with cities like Milton-Keynes [2] or the 
> recent InFocus event in the city of Yinchuan [3] (btw, just to let you 
> know, they managed to make a deal with sponsors of the event that 
> meant they paid the trip and stay of more than 200 people :-)
>   In their way to find what vision they could develop regarding Smart 
> Cities and promote among their members, they discovered FIWARE and its 
> relationship with OASC about one and a half year ago and they found it 
> was worth joining forces. They also found it very interesting our 
> speech regarding transformation of cities into enablers of an Economy 
> of Data.   Later we join forces and developed the new release of the 
> FIWARE Business Ecosystem GE relying on TMForum APIs, which have 
> became the basis for our proposal about how to support data 
> marketplaces using FIWARE.   See [4-8] for a description of our 
> collaboration.
>   As a result of our fruitful collaboration, the FIWARE Foundation and 
> TMForum will sign a Joint Collaboration Program (JCP) where we will 
> try put cities at work, moving from vision (OASC letter) to 
> implementation (real pilots and services in production adopting OASC 
> principles).   A description of main aspects of this JCP can be found at:
>     https://docs.google.com/document/d/15QSWsu0AYdskMCnlRzIsVKKRWYwYZN4B2NoVTQKR_t4/edit?usp=sharing
>     <https://docs.google.com/document/d/15QSWsu0AYdskMCnlRzIsVKKRWYwYZN4B2NoVTQKR_t4/edit?usp=sharing>
>   This program will comprise a series of workshops in different cities 
> where specific challenges will bet tackled and we will intend to 
> engage cities into specific pilots using FIWARE where OASC principles 
> will be put at work.
>   Why I'm describing all this in the context of the FIWARE Summit?
>   First, because we shall elaborate about all this during the terms of 
> reference presentation to give in the Panel on Smart Cities.  I can of 
> course help in that.
>   Second, because Carl Piva, VP of Strategic Partnerships within 
> TMForum will attend the FIWARE Summit in Málaga and he will be an 
> excellent speaker to join the panel.
>   Third because during recent discussions, we found it would be a 
> great opportunity to colocate the first of the above mentioned 
> workshops right after the FIWARE Summit, i.e., on December 15 
> afternoon and December 16 morning.   We would certainly be able to 
> engage the city of Málaga (I'm already in conversations with them 
> regarding this) and other cities in Spain but, why not and through 
> your contacts or contacts of TMForum, additional cities across the 
> globe.   If that could be organised (I know it is challenging given 
> the short time :-) we may involve some of the city representatives as 
> speakers in the panel.
>   Obviously, we should invite also someone representing OASC.   I will 
> forward an invitation to them if you agree (Martin, Jarmo or Pieter 
> would be excellent speakers).
>   Last but not least, you may be aware about our collaboration with 
> NIST regarding standardization on Smart Cities.   There will be a 
> high-level representative of NIST that will attend the FIWARE Summit. 
>   I was thinking about inviting him to the panel on Standardization of 
> Thursday December 15, but it is one possibility just in case.
> [1] - https://www.tmforum.org/smart-city-forum/ 
> <https://www.tmforum.org/smart-city-forum/>
> [2] - 
> https://inform.tmforum.org/smart-cities/2016/10/milton-keynes-art-data-driven-cities/ 
> <https://inform.tmforum.org/smart-cities/2016/10/milton-keynes-art-data-driven-cities/>
> [3] - 
> https://www.tmforum.org/events/smart-city-infocus-2016-yinchuan-china/ 
> <https://www.tmforum.org/events/smart-city-infocus-2016-yinchuan-china/>
> [4] - 
> https://www.tmforum.org/press-and-news/tm-forum-and-fiware-joinforces-to-speed-the-development-of-new-smart-city-services/ 
> <https://www.tmforum.org/press-and-news/tm-forum-and-fiware-join-forces-to-speed-the-development-of-new-smart-city-services/>
> [5] - 
> https://www.fiware.org/2016/04/27/fiware-and-tm-forum-at-the-dawn-of-the-data-economy/ 
> <https://www.fiware.org/2016/04/27/fiware-and-tm-forum-at-the-dawn-of-the-data-economy/>
> [6] - 
> https://www.fiware.org/2016/05/10/fiware-at-tm-forum-live-2016-3-smart-city-solutions-3-success-stories/ 
> <https://www.fiware.org/2016/05/10/fiware-at-tm-forum-live-2016-3-smart-city-solutions-3-success-stories/>
> [7] - https://www.fiware.org/tag/tm-forum/ 
> <https://www.fiware.org/tag/tm-forum/>
> [8] - https://www.fiware.org/2016/08/31/my-fiware-story-tm-forum/ 
> <https://www.fiware.org/2016/08/31/my-fiware-story-tm-forum/>
>   Hope it helps moving forward a definition of the Panel on Smart Cities.
>   Cheers,
> -- Juanjo
> On Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 11:53 AM, Bernardita Cardenas 
> <bernardita at frontierservices.eu 
> <mailto:bernardita at frontierservices.eu>> wrote:
>     Dear Juanjo,
>     Thank you for the minutes, clear and to the point!
>     Let me know when we should talk or exchange ideas on the Smart
>     Cities front.
>     All the best
>     *Bernardita Cárdenas*
>     *Director*

>     *From: *<fiware-summit-program-committee-bounces at lists.fiware.org
>     <mailto:fiware-summit-program-committee-bounces at lists.fiware.org>>
>     on behalf of Juan José Hierro <juanjose.hierro at fiware.org
>     <mailto:juanjose.hierro at fiware.org>>
>     *Date: *Friday 28 October 2016 at 09:27
>     *To: *<Fiware-summit-program-committee at lists.fiware.org
>     <mailto:Fiware-summit-program-committee at lists.fiware.org>>
>     *Subject: *[Fiware-summit-program-committee] Minutes of the call
>     16-10-27 about coordination of the FIWARE Summit
>     Dear all,
>     You are receiving this email because we have registered you in the
>     mailing list we have created for supporting the work of FIWARE
>     Summit Program Committee.
>     These are the minutes of the confcall we have had today.
>     @All: Please review these minutes careful and confirm whether you
>     understand and agree, otherwise raise any question/issue.
>     The scope of each of the three parallel track of the programme
>     were described including target audience (partly in the call,
>     partly in the original mail, also in the current document shared
>     on Google docs):
>     Track
>     Subtrack
>     Target audience
>     Goal
>     Space where it will be hosted
>     Expected number of attendees
>     When
>     Comments
>     FIWARE Community
>     Working meetings of FIWARE Technical Chapters
>     Developers of the FIWARE OS community [1]
>     coordination of activities
>     Meeting rooms (one per chapter)
>     approx. 100 (including all rooms)
>     All three days
>     FIWARE Technical Chapters already meet every week by confcall so
>     this is an opportunity to meet f2f and do some more work together
>     (mostly planning or architecture discussions)
>     FIWARE Community
>     Working Meetings of FIWARE Ecosystem Support Committees (ESCs:
>     Mundus, Accelerator, iHubs) and FIWARE TSC (Technical Steering
>     Committee) representatives
>     representatives of ESCs and TSC
>     [2]
>     coordination of activities
>     Meeting rooms (one main, two additional for parallel exercises)
>     approx 20-30
>     First day and maybe third
>     The agenda of these working meetings is somehow similar to agenda
>     of A16 workshops in phase 3 of the FI-PPP
>     Developers
>     Developers' primer
>     Any potential developer of apps based on FIWARE
>     training on technology
>     Aula room
>     approx 100
>     First day and half of second
>     Developers
>     how-to sessions
>     Any potential developer of apps based on FIWARE or developers
>     willing to contribute to FIWARE
>     training on technology, attract potential contributors
>     Aula room
>     approx 100
>     Half of second and third day
>     Open Conference
>     N/A
>     Decision and policy makers, startup/SMEs CEOs and strategic
>     decision makers, accelerators, potential new members of the FIWARE
>     Foundation
>     Dissemination of potential of FIWARE in three focus domains: Smart
>     Cities, Smart Agrifood, Smart Industry.
>     Dissemination of opportunities for SMEs, startups and other
>     stakeholders joining the FIWARE ecosystem and joining the FIWARE
>     Foundation as members
>     Auditorium
>     200-300
>     Second and third days
>     We need to come with an attractive program
>     [1] Following best practices of open source communities, these
>     meetings will be open so that any one can join (typically as
>     observers).   I don't expect there will be many people from the
>     outside joining in this first Summit but it may happen and
>     nevertheless we should allow it.
>     [2] Following also best practices this meetings may be open to
>     anyone who wish to join at least as observers.   In any case, we
>     shall send invitations to representatives of accelerators involved
>     in phase 3 and any other accelerator we believe they may be interested
>       More details about scope, etc of the program at:
>         https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uEwHjW162q3QwSwm4mTNov-UtdFhuneGPBpIBSacbl8/edit?usp=sharing
>         <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uEwHjW162q3QwSwm4mTNov-UtdFhuneGPBpIBSacbl8/edit?usp=sharing>
>     A first sketched agenda is available at:
>         https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1t7OyyDahvcsEPajYNjtglxQndDPHfgD2IeT-3JPhwJM/edit?usp=sharing
>         <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1t7OyyDahvcsEPajYNjtglxQndDPHfgD2IeT-3JPhwJM/edit?usp=sharing>
>       Regarding Conference pannels linked to position of FIWARE in the
>     different domains (Smart Cities, Smart Agrifood, Smart Industry)
>     the following pattern was suggested:
>       * 15 mins introductory presentation elaborating on why FIWARE is
>         relevant and what are the benefits it does bring
>       * 30 mins of a pannel discussion in the format of several
>         speakers invited to have a discussion on stage answering
>         questions of a moderator (no slides)
>       During the confcall we reviewed the points where we need further
>     development and what actions were needed.   Here it is the summary
>     of major points:
>       * *@Sebas, with the support of @Sean*: will design a proposal
>         for the agenda of the second subtrack of the FIWARE Community
>         track (Working Meetings of FIWARE Ecosystem Support Committees
>         (ESCs: Mundus, Accelerator, iHubs) and FIWARE TSC (Technical
>         Steering Committee) representatives)
>           o Agenda of previous A16 workshops in phase 3 could be a
>             good input
>           o Focus on topics that require coordination within ESCs and
>             between ESCs and the TSC
>           o *@All*: Bring input of topics that should be addressed
>             during the meetings so that Sebas/Sean can take them into
>             account in the design of the agenda
>       * *@Bernartita/Juanjo*: prepare panel on Smart Cities for the
>         Conference track (see agenda of second day)
>       * *@Harald/Sjaak*: prepare panel on Smart Agrifood for the
>         Conference track (see agenda of second day)
>       * *@Nuria/<someone to invite, may be Oscar Lazaro from
>         Innovalia?>*: prepare panel on Smart Industry for the
>         Conference track (see agenda of second day)
>       * *@Jacques/Federico*: prepare panel on FIWARE Mundus program
>         (see agenda of second day)
>       * *@Roi/Sean*: prepare panel on FIWARE Accelerator program (see
>         agenda of second day)
>       * *@All*: bring inputs for all the above (sending mails on this
>         mailing list now that we have up and running)
>       * *@Responsibles of pannels*: raise needs they may have for
>         their panels (beyond the standard requirements)
>       * *@All*: Bring input and first developed proposal of their
>         assigned action to our next call
>       * *@Juanjo*: setup a doodle for a follow-up confcall next week
>         (we shall use GTM this time)
>       Some questions we didn't have time to tackle:
>       * Organization of exhibition area: goals, what to bring,
>         reimburse travel costs for people exhibiting?
>       * Reimbursement of travels for speakers in panels
>       * Means for engaging target audiences
>       * Agenda of second day for the Conference Track (we will come
>         with a proposal anyways to next call)
>       I believe this is all.  Again: Please review these minutes
>     carefully and confirm whether you understand and agree, otherwise
>     raise any question/issue.   Feedback and comments are of course
>     welcomed.
>       Best regards,
>     _______________________________________________
>     Fiware-summit-program-committee mailing list
>     Fiware-summit-program-committee at lists.fiware.org
>     <mailto:Fiware-summit-program-committee at lists.fiware.org>
>     https://lists.fiware.org/listinfo/fiware-summit-program-committee
>     <https://lists.fiware.org/listinfo/fiware-summit-program-committee>
> _______________________________________________
> Fiware-summit-program-committee mailing list
> Fiware-summit-program-committee at lists.fiware.org
> https://lists.fiware.org/listinfo/fiware-summit-program-committee

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