Dear Juanjo, Thank you for the information. I have read all provided links and indeed sounds quite impressive. Regarding the agenda for the FIWARE Summit Agenda, I see that the Smart Cities panel would be on the second day (December 14) from 12:00 to 12:45. Later on there is the FIWARE Accelerator section at 17:30. In the parallel conference track, I have seen that the section FIWARE Accelerator is available on the first day (December 13) and on the last day (day 3 December 15). Any idea of how this parallel section will be populated? I have a couple of questions as I have already initiated the first contact with the mayors that I think would be happy to come and talk about FIWARE in there city. 1) Would you like them to come the first day and participated to the City of Malaga dinner? 2) There seem to be a social event in the evening of Dec 14th do you want the Mayors to stay for this event? 3) Would you like to mayors to stay for the ½ day event on Friday Dec 15th? Please let me know your thoughts as to come for the day can also be possible for the Dutch Mayor, but for the Italian one, it is most likely that it would have to at least stay one evening. All the best Bernardita Cárdenas Director From: Juan José Hierro <juanjose.hierro at> Date: Thursday 10 November 2016 at 14:34 To: Bernardita Cardenas <bernardita at> Cc: <Fiware-summit-program-committee at> Subject: Re: [Fiware-summit-program-committee] Minutes of the call 16-10-27 about coordination of the FIWARE Summit Dear Bernardita, Please let me share some input for the panel on Smart Cities. I keep the rest on copy because it may help to see the ambition for this panel and I hope this can stimulate others! First a little bit of background/confidential information, then I'll go to the point on speakers I would propose for the panel. The FIWARE Foundation is about to sign a Joint Collaboration Program with TMForum, a rather large and well-established industrial consortium, particularly influential among service providers. Seeking for bringing value to their membership, the TMForum started a Smart City Forum program [1] around two years ago which is becoming more and more relevant in the domain of Smart Cities, among other things thanks to the relevant resources that an organisation like this can put in place. As examples of this we can mention the work they have carried out together with cities like Milton-Keynes [2] or the recent InFocus event in the city of Yinchuan [3] (btw, just to let you know, they managed to make a deal with sponsors of the event that meant they paid the trip and stay of more than 200 people :-) In their way to find what vision they could develop regarding Smart Cities and promote among their members, they discovered FIWARE and its relationship with OASC about one and a half year ago and they found it was worth joining forces. They also found it very interesting our speech regarding transformation of cities into enablers of an Economy of Data. Later we join forces and developed the new release of the FIWARE Business Ecosystem GE relying on TMForum APIs, which have became the basis for our proposal about how to support data marketplaces using FIWARE. See [4-8] for a description of our collaboration. As a result of our fruitful collaboration, the FIWARE Foundation and TMForum will sign a Joint Collaboration Program (JCP) where we will try put cities at work, moving from vision (OASC letter) to implementation (real pilots and services in production adopting OASC principles). A description of main aspects of this JCP can be found at: This program will comprise a series of workshops in different cities where specific challenges will bet tackled and we will intend to engage cities into specific pilots using FIWARE where OASC principles will be put at work. Why I'm describing all this in the context of the FIWARE Summit? First, because we shall elaborate about all this during the terms of reference presentation to give in the Panel on Smart Cities. I can of course help in that. Second, because Carl Piva, VP of Strategic Partnerships within TMForum will attend the FIWARE Summit in Málaga and he will be an excellent speaker to join the panel. Third because during recent discussions, we found it would be a great opportunity to colocate the first of the above mentioned workshops right after the FIWARE Summit, i.e., on December 15 afternoon and December 16 morning. We would certainly be able to engage the city of Málaga (I'm already in conversations with them regarding this) and other cities in Spain but, why not and through your contacts or contacts of TMForum, additional cities across the globe. If that could be organised (I know it is challenging given the short time :-) we may involve some of the city representatives as speakers in the panel. Obviously, we should invite also someone representing OASC. I will forward an invitation to them if you agree (Martin, Jarmo or Pieter would be excellent speakers). Last but not least, you may be aware about our collaboration with NIST regarding standardization on Smart Cities. There will be a high-level representative of NIST that will attend the FIWARE Summit. I was thinking about inviting him to the panel on Standardization of Thursday December 15, but it is one possibility just in case. [1] - [2] - [3] - [4] - [5] - [6] - [7] - [8] - Hope it helps moving forward a definition of the Panel on Smart Cities. Cheers, -- Juanjo On Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 11:53 AM, Bernardita Cardenas <bernardita at> wrote: Dear Juanjo, Thank you for the minutes, clear and to the point! Let me know when we should talk or exchange ideas on the Smart Cities front. All the best Bernardita Cárdenas Director From: <fiware-summit-program-committee-bounces at> on behalf of Juan José Hierro <juanjose.hierro at> Date: Friday 28 October 2016 at 09:27 To: <Fiware-summit-program-committee at> Subject: [Fiware-summit-program-committee] Minutes of the call 16-10-27 about coordination of the FIWARE Summit Dear all, You are receiving this email because we have registered you in the mailing list we have created for supporting the work of FIWARE Summit Program Committee. These are the minutes of the confcall we have had today. @All: Please review these minutes careful and confirm whether you understand and agree, otherwise raise any question/issue. The scope of each of the three parallel track of the programme were described including target audience (partly in the call, partly in the original mail, also in the current document shared on Google docs): TrackSubtrackTarget audienceGoalSpace where it will be hostedExpected number of attendeesWhenComments FIWARE CommunityWorking meetings of FIWARE Technical ChaptersDevelopers of the FIWARE OS community [1]coordination of activitiesMeeting rooms (one per chapter)approx. 100 (including all rooms)All three daysFIWARE Technical Chapters already meet every week by confcall so this is an opportunity to meet f2f and do some more work together (mostly planning or architecture discussions) FIWARE CommunityWorking Meetings of FIWARE Ecosystem Support Committees (ESCs: Mundus, Accelerator, iHubs) and FIWARE TSC (Technical Steering Committee) representativesrepresentatives of ESCs and TSC [2]coordination of activitiesMeeting rooms (one main, two additional for parallel exercises)approx 20-30First day and maybe thirdThe agenda of these working meetings is somehow similar to agenda of A16 workshops in phase 3 of the FI-PPP DevelopersDevelopers' primerAny potential developer of apps based on FIWAREtraining on technologyAula roomapprox 100First day and half of second Developershow-to sessionsAny potential developer of apps based on FIWARE or developers willing to contribute to FIWAREtraining on technology, attract potential contributorsAula roomapprox 100Half of second and third day Open ConferenceN/ADecision and policy makers, startup/SMEs CEOs and strategic decision makers, accelerators, potential new members of the FIWARE FoundationDissemination of potential of FIWARE in three focus domains: Smart Cities, Smart Agrifood, Smart Industry. Dissemination of opportunities for SMEs, startups and other stakeholders joining the FIWARE ecosystem and joining the FIWARE Foundation as membersAuditorium200-300Second and third daysWe need to come with an attractive program [1] Following best practices of open source communities, these meetings will be open so that any one can join (typically as observers). I don't expect there will be many people from the outside joining in this first Summit but it may happen and nevertheless we should allow it. [2] Following also best practices this meetings may be open to anyone who wish to join at least as observers. In any case, we shall send invitations to representatives of accelerators involved in phase 3 and any other accelerator we believe they may be interested More details about scope, etc of the program at: A first sketched agenda is available at: Regarding Conference pannels linked to position of FIWARE in the different domains (Smart Cities, Smart Agrifood, Smart Industry) the following pattern was suggested: 15 mins introductory presentation elaborating on why FIWARE is relevant and what are the benefits it does bring 30 mins of a pannel discussion in the format of several speakers invited to have a discussion on stage answering questions of a moderator (no slides) During the confcall we reviewed the points where we need further development and what actions were needed. Here it is the summary of major points: @Sebas, with the support of @Sean: will design a proposal for the agenda of the second subtrack of the FIWARE Community track (Working Meetings of FIWARE Ecosystem Support Committees (ESCs: Mundus, Accelerator, iHubs) and FIWARE TSC (Technical Steering Committee) representatives) Agenda of previous A16 workshops in phase 3 could be a good input Focus on topics that require coordination within ESCs and between ESCs and the TSC @All: Bring input of topics that should be addressed during the meetings so that Sebas/Sean can take them into account in the design of the agenda @Bernartita/Juanjo: prepare panel on Smart Cities for the Conference track (see agenda of second day) @Harald/Sjaak: prepare panel on Smart Agrifood for the Conference track (see agenda of second day) @Nuria/<someone to invite, may be Oscar Lazaro from Innovalia?>: prepare panel on Smart Industry for the Conference track (see agenda of second day) @Jacques/Federico: prepare panel on FIWARE Mundus program (see agenda of second day) @Roi/Sean: prepare panel on FIWARE Accelerator program (see agenda of second day) @All: bring inputs for all the above (sending mails on this mailing list now that we have up and running) @Responsibles of pannels: raise needs they may have for their panels (beyond the standard requirements) @All: Bring input and first developed proposal of their assigned action to our next call @Juanjo: setup a doodle for a follow-up confcall next week (we shall use GTM this time) Some questions we didn't have time to tackle: Organization of exhibition area: goals, what to bring, reimburse travel costs for people exhibiting? Reimbursement of travels for speakers in panels Means for engaging target audiences Agenda of second day for the Conference Track (we will come with a proposal anyways to next call) I believe this is all. Again: Please review these minutes carefully and confirm whether you understand and agree, otherwise raise any question/issue. Feedback and comments are of course welcomed. Best regards, _______________________________________________ Fiware-summit-program-committee mailing list Fiware-summit-program-committee at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.png Type: image/png Size: 21796 bytes Desc: not available URL: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image002.png Type: image/png Size: 21797 bytes Desc: not available URL: <>
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