[Fiware-sust-found] Fiware Community principles

stefano de panfilis stefano.depanfilis at eng.it
Wed May 20 16:06:17 CEST 2015

dear franck,

for sure yes, even more if there will be any feedback, please send them to
us as we will be happy to anaylise them.


2015-05-20 12:21 GMT+02:00 Franck Le Gall <franck.le-gall at eglobalmark.com>:

>  Dear Joel,
> Thank you for the input.
> I have a webinar tomorrow with my FICHE accelerator. I know they will have
> questions on sustainability.
> Could I tell them about this on-going work and show the slides ?
> I assume ‘yes’ based on transparency objective set in slide 2
> Do you confirm ?
> Kind regards
> Franck
> *De :* fiware-sust-found-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org [mailto:
> fiware-sust-found-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org] *De la part de*
> joel.riga at orange.com
> *Envoyé :* mercredi 20 mai 2015 11:36
> *À :* Fiware-sust-found at lists.fi-ware.org
> *Objet :* [Fiware-sust-found] Fiware Community principles
> Dear all,
> Please find (finally) the document that have been showed yesterday in
> Brussels during a meeting concerning Sustainability (cross projects). The
> next coming phase is to take your remarks and expectation into account so
> that we can be aligned before the creation of such a community. The
> calendar for the launch of the Fiware community will be distribute soon.
> Now I will ask to the FIWARE Core Industry Group what method to use for
> your contribution to enrich the basic elements that are mentioned in the
> joined document, but also in the reference document that we are still
> waiting for.
> Joel
> [image: logo Orange] <http://www.orange.com/>
> *Joël RIGA *
> Projets collaboratifs Europe Futur Internet
> Orange/IMT/OLPS/GS
> mobile : 0679641748
> <https://monsi.sso.francetelecom.fr/index.asp?target=http%3A%2F%2Fclicvoice.sso.francetelecom.fr%2FClicvoiceV2%2FToolBar.do%3Faction%3Ddefault%26rootservice%3DSIGNATURE%26to%3D0679641748>
> joel.riga at orange.com
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Stefano De Panfilis
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