As mentioned in recent TSC meetings, the FIWARE 7.6 release process will be starting this week. I am attempting to follow the release Process as defined in <> - This release was designed to add the SigFox IoT Agent, include a consolidated Business API and add new robotics GEs The consolidated release candidates can be found in a pre-release on GitHub: <> Could you all confirm which version of your components are supposed to be included in the next release FIWARE Release. The following version tags are the latest version release tag for each GE, entries in bold have made further releases on master since previous FIWARE_7.5.1 release, others need may need a new tag added to be re-releasing: Please review the list and do one of the following: > Accept the current version and double tag the existing approved release version in your GitHub repository with FIWARE_7.6 > Add a new release to the head of your master branch and send me the new version number. > Send an eMail to me requesting a time extension and propose a new version number for inclusion in the release. For the items in red it is already understood that the Business Ecosystem and potentially the new Robotics GE need tagging before updating the release, and therefore are on the known list of Generic Enablers needing further changes and a time extension for FIWARE 7.6 The deadline to receive any correction to this is 28th February The aim is to complete this patch release before the end of the month. core/cygnus telefonicaid/fiware-cygnus 1.10.0 core/draco ging/fiware-draco 1.1.0 core/orion telefonicaid/fiware-orion 2.2.0 core/quantum-leap smartsdk/ngsi-timeseries-api 0.5 core/sth-comet telefonicaid/fiware-sth-comet 2.5.0 data-publication/apinf/apinf apinf/platform 0.58.0 data-publication/apinf/api-umbrella apinf/api-umbrella v0.15.0-apinf2.1 data-publication/business-api/billing-management FIWARE-TMForum/DSBILLINGMANAGEMENT v7.4.0 data-publication/business-api/business-api FIWARE-TMForum/Business-API-Ecosystem v7.4.0 data-publication/business-api/customer-management FIWARE-TMForum/DSCUSTOMER v7.4.0 data-publication/business-api/charging-backend FIWARE-TMForum/business-ecosystem-charging-backend v7.4.0 data-publication/business-api/logic-proxy FIWARE-TMForum/business-ecosystem-logic-proxy v7.4.0 data-publication/business-api/ordering-management FIWARE-TMForum/DSPRODUCTORDERING v7.4.0 data-publication/business-api/party-management FIWARE-TMForum/DSPARTYMANAGEMENT v7.4.0 data-publication/business-api/product-catalog FIWARE-TMForum/DSPRODUCTCATALOG2 v7.4.0 data-publication/business-api/product-inventory FIWARE-TMForum/DSPRODUCTINVENTORY v7.4.0 data-publication/business-api/rss FIWARE-TMForum/business-ecosystem-rss v7.4.0 data-publication/business-api/usage-management FIWARE-TMForum/DSUSAGEMANAGEMENT v7.4.0 data-publication/ckan-extensions/business-api-publisher FIWARE-TMForum/ckanext-baepublisher v0.5 data-publication/ckan-extensions/ckan-extensions conwetlab/FIWARE-CKAN-Extensions v7.4.0 data-publication/ckan-extensions/data-requests conwetlab/ckanext-datarequests v1.1.0 data-publication/ckan-extensions/oauth2 conwetlab/ckanext-oauth2 v0.6.1 data-publication/ckan-extensions/private-datasets conwetlab/ckanext-privatedatasets v0.4 data-publication/ckan-extensions/right-time-context conwetlab/ckanext-right_time_context v0.9 data-publication/ckan-extensions/wirecloud-dashboards conwetlab/ckanext-wirecloud_view v1.1.0 data-publication/idra opsilab/idra v1.2.0 iot-agents/iotagent-LoRaWAN Atos-Research-and-Innovation/IoTagent-LoRaWAN FIWARE_7.5.1 iot-agents/iotagent-json telefonicaid/iotagent-json 1.9.0 iot-agents/iotagent-lightweightM2M telefonicaid/lightweightm2m-iotagent 1.0.0 iot-agents/iotagent-node-lib telefonicaid/iotagent-node-lib 2.8.1 iot-agents/iotagent-opcua Engineering-Research-and-Development/iotagent-opcua 1.1.0 iot-agents/iotagent-ultralight telefonicaid/iotagent-ul 1.8.0 iot-agents/OpenMTC OpenMTC/OpenMTC v1.3.0 iot-agents/iotagent-sigfox telefonicaid/sigfox-iotagent 1.1.0 processing/cosmos/cosmos ging/fiware-cosmos-orion-flink-connector FIWARE_7.5 processing/cosmos/examples ging/fiware-cosmos-orion-flink-connector-examples FIWARE_7.4 processing/fogflow/adapter smartfog/adapter "latest" processing/fogflow/fogflow smartfog/fogflow FIWARE_7.6 processing/knowage/documentation KnowageLabs/Knowage-Documentation "latest" processing/knowage/server KnowageLabs/Knowage-Server v6.3.1 processing/knowage/server-chef KnowageLabs/Knowage-Server-Chef 6.1.1 processing/knowage/server-docker KnowageLabs/Knowage-Server-Docker "latest" processing/kurento/documentation Kurento/doc-fiware-readthedocs "latest" processing/kurento/media-server Kurento/kurento-media-server 6.9.0 processing/kurento/media-server-docker Kurento/kurento-docker 6.8.0 processing/perseo/back-end telefonicaid/perseo-core 1.3.0 processing/perseo/front-end telefonicaid/perseo-fe 1.8.0 processing/wirecloud/wirecloud Wirecloud/wirecloud 1.2.0 processing/wirecloud/wirecloud-docker Wirecloud/docker-wirecloud "latest" robotics/Fast-RTPS eProsima/Fast-RTPS v1.7.1 robotics/??????? security/authzforce authzforce/server release-8.0.1 security/keyrock ging/fiware-idm 7.5.1 security/wilma ging/fiware-pep-proxy 7.5.1 third-party/domibus edelivery/domibus 4.0.2 The following Enablers have been updated since the FIWARE 7.5.1 release, and may need to be re-tagged: core/cygnus | 2 +- core/draco | 2 +- core/orion | 2 +- core/quantum-leap | 2 +- core/sth-comet | 2 +- data-publication/apinf/api-umbrella | 2 +- data-publication/business-api/business-api | 2 +- data-publication/business-api/logic-proxy | 2 +- data-publication/ckan-extensions/ckan-extensions | 2 +- data-publication/ckan-extensions/right-time-context | 2 +- data-publication/ckan-extensions/wirecloud-dashboards | 2 +- data-publication/idra | 2 +- iot-agents/OpenMTC | 2 +- iot-agents/iotagent-LoRaWAN | 2 +- iot-agents/iotagent-json | 2 +- iot-agents/iotagent-lightweightM2M | 2 +- iot-agents/iotagent-node-lib | 2 +- iot-agents/iotagent-opcua | 2 +- iot-agents/iotagent-sigfox (new) | 1 + iot-agents/iotagent-ultralight | 2 +- processing/cosmos/cosmos | 2 +- processing/cosmos/examples | 2 +- processing/fogflow/adapter | 2 +- processing/fogflow/fogflow | 2 +- processing/knowage/documentation | 2 +- processing/knowage/server | 2 +- processing/knowage/server-chef | 2 +- processing/kurento/media-server | 2 +- processing/kurento/media-server-docker | 2 +- processing/perseo/back-end | 2 +- processing/perseo/front-end | 2 +- processing/wirecloud/wirecloud | 2 +- processing/wirecloud/wirecloud-docker | 2 +- robotics/Fast-RTPS | 2 +- security/keyrock | 2 +- security/wilma | 2 +- third-party/domibus | 2 +- The following Enablers have already tagged a new release version since FIWARE 7.5.1 - version numbers have been updated in the list above. core/draco | 2 +- core/orion | 2 +- iot-agents/OpenMTC | 2 +- iot-agents/iotagent-sigfox (new) | 1 + processing/fogflow/adapter | 2 +- processing/fogflow/fogflow | 2 +- processing/knowage/documentation | 2 +- processing/knowage/server | 2 +- processing/perseo/back-end | 2 +- processing/perseo/front-end | 2 +- processing/wirecloud/wirecloud-docker | 2 +- robotics/Fast-RTPS | 2 +- third-party/ | 18 +- third-party/domibus | 2 +- Jason Fox Technical Evangelist at <mailto:juanjose.hierro at> <> -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... 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