[Fiware-wpa] [Fiware] AP on FI-WARE GE implementation owners regarding fixing dates for webinars about their FI-WARE GE implementation products

Davide Dalle Carbonare davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it
Thu Oct 25 11:04:44 CEST 2012

Dear Juanjo,

regarding this:
>   It's ok that you use your favorite tools for setting up the bridge, 
> sharing the screen and chatting ...

is there an already available platform for this?
... maybe with someone that can support, technically, the operations?

thank you and

On 24/10/2012 01:28, Juanjo Hierro wrote:
> Dear all,
>   One of the APs that owners of FI-WARE GE implementations should take 
> care of has to do with defining a calendar for webinars regarding 
> their products.
>   A webinar should be structured as a slot of 45 min - 1 hour 
> maximum.   Following the suggestion of some people that have setup 
> webinars in another projects, the recommendation is that the webinars 
> will be organized by two persons (a moderator and a presenter).   Some 
> tool should be used by the organizer that will enable to share the 
> screen with attendees.   Besides, we will use a special FI-WARE 
> related twitter channel so that the moderator can twit while the 
> presentation evolves and attendees can formulate questions.   
> Questions will be collected by the moderator so every ten minutes 
> these questions will be asked by the moderator to the presenter.   In 
> this way the presentation will proceed in a more easy way without the 
> risk of interruptions and network overload.   More detailed 
> instructions will be provided in a couple of days.
>   You have to plan at least one webinar for your GE implementation (a 
> "developers' primer") and define at least two dates where the webinar 
> will be made.   You have to setup the date&time for those webinars at 
> the following shared spreadsheet:
>     https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqGGeaQGro3fdDRKeUpILUxzTjNNUFZBQUhfM0U4aFE#gid=0
>   You will find a row per GE implementation covering the mandatory 
> webinar you should organize (developers' primer).   You may add rows 
> with dates regarding complementary webinars.
>   You should program the first date of your first webinar sometime 
> before the November 1th-20th period and the second before December 7th 
> (may also fit within the November 1th-20th period)
>   It's ok that you use your favorite tools for setting up the bridge, 
> sharing the screen and chatting but you should indicate this using 
> notes in column F "tools, bridge and dial-in details".
>   WE NEED that you complete your input to the spreadsheet above no 
> later than END OF THIS WEEK.  This is because we will forward the 
> spreadsheet to the UC projects so that they can record their intend to 
> attend what webinar.
>   Don't hesitate to ask any question you may have.
>   Cheers,
> -- Juanjo
> -------------
> Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital
> website:www.tid.es
> email:jhierro at tid.es
> twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro
> FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Chief Architect
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