October 2012 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Oct 1 09:24:43 CEST 2012
Ending: Wed Oct 31 10:00:56 CET 2012
Messages: 69
- [Fiware-wpa] [Fiware] AP on FI-WARE GE implementation owners regarding fixing dates for webinars about their FI-WARE GE implementation products
Davide Dalle Carbonare
- [Fiware-wpa] [Fiware-wpl] Shared minutes joint WPLs/WPAs follow-up confcall
Miguel Carrillo
- [Fiware-wpa] Creation of new deliverables
Miguel Carrillo
- [Fiware-wpa] Shared minutes for our weekly joint WPLs/WPAs follow-up confcall
Miguel Carrillo
- [Fiware-wpa] Joint WPLs/WPAs follow-up confcall
Miguel Carrillo
- [Fiware-wpa] Access to maquines to generate deliverables
Miguel Carrillo
- [Fiware-wpa] Access to maquines to generate deliverables
Miguel Carrillo
- [Fiware-wpa] Placeholders for submitting contributions to whitepaper (FI-WARE Product Vision revision)
- [Fiware-wpa] Placeholders for submitting contributions to whitepaper (FI-WARE Product Vision revision)
- [Fiware-wpa] About joint WPLs/WPAs follow-up confcall TODAY
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] Re-structuring contents of the public wiki towards re-submission of deliverables associated to FI-WARE GE open Specifications
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] Webex connection to use during our joint WPLs/WPAs follow-up confcall
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] Little delay to start the confcall
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] Shared minutes for the follow-up confcall
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] IMPORTANT: Next steps regarding review of FI-WARE Architecture and Open Specifications
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] Clarification: [Fiware-wpl] IMPORTANT: Next steps regarding review of FI-WARE Architecture and Open Specifications
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] [Suspected Spam] IMPORTANT Fwd: FI-WARE: D2.6.1 State of the Art Analysis - Emerging Technologies (CANCELED)
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] Link to shared minutes
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] IMPORTANT REMINDER: Re-structuring of the public wiki contents to be finished by EOB TODAY
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] Summary of conversation with Arian
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] New 'Summary of FI-WARE GE Open Specifications' page
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] [Suspected Spam] Re: R: [Fiware-wpl] New 'Summary of FI-WARE GE Open Specifications' page
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] LIGTHS, CAMERA, ACTION!: Peer review of FI-WARE Open Specifications
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] Fwd: FI-WARE: third open call
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] Fwd: LIGTHS, CAMERA, ACTION!: Peer review of FI-WARE Open Specifications
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] In case you need a Google account for carrying out steps described in Fwd: LIGTHS, CAMERA, ACTION!: Peer review of FI-WARE Open Specifications
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] Placeholders for .docx versions of the FI-WARE GE Open Specifications in the docman system
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] Documents already available for review
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] Shared minutes joint WPLs/WPAs follow-up confcall
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] brainstorming about the live demonstration of the FI-WARE test-bed with deployed GE software that the reviewers have asked for (checkpoint 9 setup by reviewers in the project review report)
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] Brainstorming on Live demonstration of the FI-WARE test-bed
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] [Suspected Spam] Fwd: Re: FI-WARE PCC meetings
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] Fwd: RE: FI-WARE PCC meetings
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] Shared minutes for our weekly joint WPLs/WPAs follow-up confcall
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] Reminder: Peer review of Architecture and Open Specifications to be ready by EOB tomorrow !!
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] Placeholders for submitting contributions to whitepaper (FI-WARE Product Vision revision)
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] [Suspected Spam] Minutes of joint WPLs/WPAs follow-up confcall
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] URGENT but EASY Action Point on FI-WARE GE owners
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] AP on FI-WARE GE implementation owners regarding fixing dates for webinars about their FI-WARE GE implementation products
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] [Fiware] URGENT but EASY Action Point on FI-WARE GE owners
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] CHANGE on next joint WPLs/WPAs follow-up confcall
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] CHANGE on next joint WPLs/WPAs follow-up confcall
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] Joint WPLs/WPAs follow-up confcall
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] AP on FI-WARE GE implementation owners regarding fixing dates for webinars about their FI-WARE GE implementation products
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] Re-scheduling joint WPLs/WPAs follow-up confcall for week of Nov 5th
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] Fwd: Short term solution to provide controlled access to FI-WARE GE APIs on the FI-WARE Testbed
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] IMPORTANT: Convention regarding figures in deliverables (Open Specifications and FI-WARE Architecture)
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] Shared minutes for our joint WPLs/WPAs follow-up confcall starting at 16:00
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] [Suspected Spam] Fwd: Availability of the FI-WARE Testbed - Announcement of the final set of GE implementations
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] Fwd: Amendment to previous announcement on Availability of FI-WARE GE implementations on the FI-WARE Testbed
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-wpa] FW: FW: [Fiware-wpl] Brainstorming on Live demonstration of the FI-WARE test-bed
Leidig, Torsten
- [Fiware-wpa] [Fiware-wpl] Google account attacks
Matteo Melideo
- [Fiware-wpa] R: [Fiware-wpl] New 'Summary of FI-WARE GE Open Specifications' page
Garino Pierangelo
- [Fiware-wpa] PS - IMPORTANT: Next steps regarding review of FI-WARE Architecture and Open Specifications
Riss, Uwe
- [Fiware-wpa] AP on webinar sessions
Riss, Uwe
- [Fiware-wpa] FI-WARE Demo Scenario next steps
Riss, Uwe
- [Fiware-wpa] Demo Scenario
Riss, Uwe
- [Fiware-wpa] Canceled: Joint FI-WARE WPLs/WPAs follow-up confcall
- [Fiware-wpa] Joint FI-WARE WPLs/WPAs follow-up confcall
- [Fiware-wpa] Brainstorming on Live demonstration of the FI-WARE test-bed
- [Fiware-wpa] Brainstorming on Live demonstration of the FI-WARE test-bed
- [Fiware-wpa] Joint FI-WARE WPLs/WPAs follow-up confcall
- [Fiware-wpa] Fwd: Future Internet meets ITS: Instant Mobility Stakeholder Workshop, Vienna, 21 October 2012
- [Fiware-wpa] List of caretakers for the "General Support Tracker" exposed to UCs
- [Fiware-wpa] AP on FI-WARE GE implementation owners regarding fixing dates for webinars about their FI-WARE GE implementation products
- [Fiware-wpa] R: [Fiware-wpl] Joint WPLs/WPAs follow-up confcall
ste.depanfilis at gmail.com
- [Fiware-wpa] Fi-Ware policy to donwload software packages
thierry.nagellen at orange.com
- [Fiware-wpa] Google account attacks
thierry.nagellen at orange.com
- [Fiware-wpa] threat for the adoption of the fi-ware testbed!
stefano de panfilis
Last message date:
Wed Oct 31 10:00:56 CET 2012
Archived on: Tue Dec 13 18:51:23 CET 2016
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