Dear all, I'm glad to inform you that we are going to do our best to pay you by the end of August. Please find attached the details of the payments ("FI-WARE - FINAL PAYMENT.pdf") As there are several partners that don't agree with the assessment of the Commission, there is a possibility to have a new loop of this issue. Meanwhile and after receiving the final payment from the Commission, currently we have to pay according the Financial Assessment from the Commission. So, there are three cases (yellow columns): 1. Partners that have received more money than the total accepted funding by the EC -> We'll ask them to reimburse the extra amount. 2. Partners that will receive the 100% of their total accepted funding by the EC in one payment. 3. Partners that will receive the 100% of their total accepted funding by the EC in two payments. The second payment will be done after receiving the reimbursements mentioned in the point 1. Please check the enclosed table and please let us know if you find any mistake. FI-WARE (285248) Max Funding Total Prefinancing Payment Total First Interim Payment Total Second Interim Payment Managed by the EC Final Payment Pending Reimbursement Final Payment Tranche 1 Final Payment Tranche 2 Total Payments Accepted Funding R1 Accepted Funding R2 Accepted Funding R3 TOTAL ACCEPTED FUNDING 01.- TID TELEFONICA INVESTIGACION Y DESARROLLO SA 6.103.144,00 2.385.747,84 558.875,00 2.790.001,12 452.747,29 726.399,75 6.913.771,00 558.875 2.370.338 3.984.558 6.913.771 02.- SAP SAP SE 3.509.783,00 1.696.395,12 343.678,00 943.242,43 -576.417,55 0,00 2.406.898,00 343.678 1.064.151 999.069 2.406.898 03 - IBM-IL IBM ISRAEL - SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LTD 2.277.987,00 1.100.951,12 132.111,00 700.421,80 314.983,08 0,00 2.248.467,00 132.111 1.109.049 1.007.307 2.248.467 04.- IBM-CH IBM RESEARCH GMBH 495.820,00 239.646,34 19.164,00 162.636,66 51.953,00 0,00 473.400,00 19.164 212.912 241.324 473.400 05.- THALES THALES COMMUNICATIONS & SECURITY SAS 898.928,00 975.110,43 150.750,00 588.572,24 178.062,33 0,00 1.892.495,00 55.035 369.322 454.278 1.892.495 THALES SERVICES SAS 751.163,00 69.119 0 627.072 THALES SA 0,00 0 0 0 THALES ALENIA SPACE FRANCE 150.515,00 13.719 105.946 26.674 THALES RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY (UK) LIMITED 217.003,00 12.877 77.410 81.043 06.- TI TELECOM ITALIA SPA 1.761.110,00 851.144,46 153.470,00 517.009,74 222.620,80 0,00 1.744.245,00 153.470 862.936 727.839 1.744.245 07.- FT ORANGE SA 1.598.377,00 771.582,22 122.670,00 462.668,23 189.755,55 0,00 1.546.676,00 122.670 834.691 589.315 1.546.676 08.- NSN-G NOKIA SOLUTIONS AND NETWORKS GMBH &CO KG 148.592,00 291.509,94 0,00 0,00 -171.600,94 0,00 119.909,00 37.894 81.208 807 119.909 09.- NSN-H NOKIA SOLUTIONS AND NETWORKS KFT 344.078,00 274.103,40 9.054,50 0,00 -111.251,90 0,00 171.906,00 18.109 98.756 55.041 171.906 10.- NSN-FI NOKIA SOLUTIONS AND NETWORKS OY 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0 0 0 0 11.- DT DEUTSCHE TELEKOM AG 1.074.666,00 639.264,88 56.237,00 428.722,57 -251.331,45 0,00 872.893,00 56.237 418.207 204.055 872.893 TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAET BERLIN 181.800,00 0 79.888 61.602 T-SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL GMBH 29.560,00 0 15.693 3.349 HFTL TRAGERGESELLSCHAFT MBH 36.590,00 0 0 33.862 12.- TRDF TECHNICOLOR R&D FRANCE SNC 713.409,00 627.176,72 106.665,00 369.124,23 108.200,05 0,00 1.211.166,00 77.089 513.152 152.630 1.211.166 TECHNICOLOR R&D PARIS SNC 149.040,00 29.576 104.555 0 TECHNICOLOR CONNECTED HOME RENNES 435.158,00 0 0 334.164 13.- EAB ERICSSON AB 497.680,00 295.026,00 0,00 0,00 208,00 0,00 295.234,00 168.711 126.315 208 295.234 14.- ATOS ATOS SPAIN SA 1.037.987,00 493.216,06 138.099,00 250.973,89 205.698,05 75.484,00 1.163.471,00 138.099 551.471 473.901 1.163.471 15.- E-IIS ENGINEERING - INGEGNERIA INFORMATICA SPA 1.260.854,00 588.270,74 305.100,00 178.387,17 228.341,09 0,00 1.300.099,00 305.100 338.570 656.429 1.300.099 16.- ALU-I ALCATEL-LUCENT ITALIA S.P.A. 293.164,00 141.695,94 18.638,00 0,00 67.031,06 0,00 227.365,00 18.638 133.447 75.280 227.365 17.- ALU-D ALCATEL-LUCENT DEUTSCHLAND AG 445.694,00 215.418,78 23.602,00 139.819,12 53.113,10 0,00 431.953,00 23.602 213.434 194.917 431.953 18.- SIEMENS SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 663.548,00 320.714,88 47.724,00 195.576,92 1.143,20 0,00 565.159,00 47.724 313.754 203.681 565.159 19.- INTEL INTEL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IRELAND LIMITED 0,00 245.869,75 28.464,00 167.407,00 -42.171,75 0,00 399.569,00 0 0 0 399.569 INTEL DEUTSCHLAND GMBH 0,00 0 0 0 INTEL RESEARCH AND INNOVATION IRELAND LIMITED 519.695,00 28.464 167.407 203.698 20.- NEC NEC EUROPE LTD 443.529,00 213.744,02 0,00 0,00 178.119,98 0,00 391.864,00 31.676 158.689 201.499 391.864 21.- Franhoufer FRAUNHOFER GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FORDERUNG DER ANGEWANDTEN FORSCHUNG EV 546.661,00 195.636,90 36.584,00 232.440,95 46.466,15 0,00 511.128,00 36.584 225.932 248.612 511.128 22.- INRIA INSTITUT NATIONAL DE RECHERCHE EN INFORMATIQUE ET EN AUTOMATIQUE 304.796,00 192.021,58 22.440,00 123.231,52 66.357,90 0,00 404.051,00 17.367 218.829 62.367 404.051 UNIVERSITE HENRI POINCARE NANCY 1 3.319,00 720 2.133 0 UNIVERSITE DE NICE SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS 36.867,00 4.353 22.713 12.251 UNIVERSITE DE LORRAINE 52.304,00 0 3.444 59.874 23.- UPM UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE MADRID 1.033.306,00 345.596,79 46.172,00 486.566,64 239.197,83 352.011,75 1.469.545,00 46.172 494.296 929.077 1.469.545 24.- UDE UNIVERSITAET DUISBURG-ESSEN 303.880,00 146.875,34 55.184,00 56.238,66 12.896,00 0,00 271.194,00 55.184 88.224 127.786 271.194 25.- UNIROMA1 UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI ROMA LA SAPIENZA 332.464,00 138.078,68 47.594,00 96.921,72 79.461,60 0,00 362.056,00 47.594 177.668 136.794 362.056 26.- UniS UNIVERSITY OF SURREY 299.125,00 144.567,11 15.131,00 93.998,17 41.357,72 0,00 295.054,00 15.131 124.941 154.982 295.054 27.- ENTIDAD PUBLICA EMPRESARIAL RED.ES 127.124,00 61.439,03 0,00 28.892,03 36.544,94 0,00 126.876,00 28.473 98.403 126.876 28.- ZHAW ZURCHER HOCHSCHULE FUR ANGEWANDTE WISSENSCHAFTEN 560.812,00 271.040,44 0,00 84.682,33 181.145,23 0,00 536.868,00 82.863 454.005 536.868 29.- DFKI DEUTSCHES FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM FUER KUENSTLICHE INTELLIGENZ GMBH 505.650,00 244.380,65 0,00 144.880,59 135.555,77 0,00 524.817,00 76.872 447.945 524.817 30.- USAAR-CISPA UNIVERSITAET DES SAARLANDES 26.802,00 22.781,70 0,00 0,00 -104,70 0,00 22.677,00 0 22.677 22.677 31.- EPROS PROYECTOS Y SISTEMAS DE MANTENIMIENTO SL 306.776,00 148.264,84 0,00 82.814,36 121.281,80 0,00 352.361,00 81.802 270.559 352.361 32.- iMinds IMINDS 656.240,00 317.160,79 0,00 121.991,59 216.831,62 0,00 655.984,00 119.826 536.158 655.984 33.- NSNG1 NOKIA SOLUTIONS AND NETWORKS MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL GMBH 469.407,00 0,00 37.894,00 97.993,98 137.629,02 0,00 273.517,00 9.617 263.900 273.517 34.- Playsign PLAYSIGN OY 223.916,00 108.218,60 0,00 0,00 97.328,40 0,00 205.547,00 205.547 205.547 35.- LUDOCRAFT LUDOCRAFT OY 322.700,00 155.960,91 0,00 0,00 156.220,09 0,00 312.181,00 312.181 312.181 36.- ADMINO ADMINOTECH OY 349.425,00 168.877,10 0,00 0,00 186.621,90 0,00 355.499,00 355.499 355.499 37.- CYBER CYBERLIGHTNING OY 950.300,00 459.279,99 0,00 0,00 98.899,01 0,00 558.179,00 558.179 558.179 38.- URJC UNIVERSIDAD REY JUAN CARLOS 658.180,00 318.098,39 0,00 0,00 347.466,61 0,00 665.565,00 665.565 665.565 39.- Naevatec TIKAL TECHNOLOGIES SL 357.420,00 172.741,09 0,00 0,00 194.817,91 0,00 367.559,00 367.559 367.559 40.- FN FUTURA NETWORKS SL 1.503.460,00 821.735,66 0,00 518.021,00 347.846,34 0,00 1.687.603,00 1.489.936 1.687.603 FUTURA NETWORKS DE COLOMBIA SAS 196.800,00 197.667 41.- AE3 ASOCIACION E3 FUTURA 355.045,00 171.593,25 0,00 130.195,00 13.303,75 0,00 315.092,00 315.092 315.092 42.- OG1 OGILVYONE WORLDWIDE SA 1.245.005,00 601.710,92 0,00 200.332,00 412.247,08 0,00 1.214.290,00 1.214.290 1.214.290 43.- UOULU OULUN YLIOPISTO 865.052,00 418.079,63 0,00 0,00 430.389,37 0,00 848.469,00 848.469 848.469 44.- CoS CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE CAMARAS OFICIALES DE COMERCIO INDUSTRIA Y NAVEGACION DE ESPANA 75.200,00 36.344,16 0,00 15.221,00 29.198,84 0,00 80.764,00 80.764 80.764 45.- NLNET STICHTING NLNET 77.120,00 37.272,10 0,00 28.279,90 16.010,00 0,00 81.562,00 81.562 81.562 46 - UP EUROPE STARTUP WEEKEND EUROPE TRUST 280.058,00 238.049,30 0,00 0,00 3.633,70 0,00 241.683,00 241.683 241.683 47 - FBK FONDAZIONE BRUNO KESSLER 199.672,00 96.501,24 0,00 0,00 103.892,76 0,00 200.394,00 200.394 200.394 48 - ADEVICE Adevice Solutions S.L. 46.040,00 22.251,13 0,00 0,00 25.316,87 0,00 47.568,00 47.568 47.568 49 - USE UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA 23.000,00 11.115,90 0,00 0,00 12.969,10 0,00 24.085,00 24.085 24.085 FUNDACION DE INVESTIGACION DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA 0,00 0 50 - TOP DIGITAL SOIDEMER S.L. 70.120,00 33.889,00 0,00 0,00 19.020,00 0,00 52.909,00 52.909 52.909 51 - UC UNIVERSIDAD DE CANTABRIA 99.960,00 48.310,67 0,00 0,00 67.832,33 0,00 116.143,00 116.143 116.143 52 - VTT Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy 0,00 96.654,14 0,00 0,00 112.306,86 0,00 208.961,00 0 208.961 TEKNOLOGIAN TUTKIMUSKESKUS VTT 199.988,00 208.961 53 - ULPGC UNIVERSIDAD DE LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA 110.018,00 53.171,70 0,00 0,00 57.951,30 0,00 111.123,00 111.123 111.123 FUNDACION CANARIA PARQUE CIENTIFICO TECNOLOGICO DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA 0,00 0 54 - ALFA ALFAMICRO-SISTEMAS DE COMPUTADORES, LDA 54.600,00 1.017,20 0,00 0,00 65.072,00 -1.017,20 0,00 65.072,00 65.072 65.072 55 - DRI DRI - CONSULTORIA INFORMATICA LDA 29.730,00 14.368,51 0,00 0,00 14.465,49 0,00 28.834,00 28.834 28.834 56 - FIT FULL IT CONSULTORIA EM NOVAS TECNOLOGIAS LDA 63.000,00 30.447,90 0,00 0,00 32.552,10 0,00 63.000,00 63.000 63.000 57 - IPN INSTITUTO PEDRO NUNES, ASSOCIACAO PARA A INOVACAO E DESENVOLVIMENTO EM CIENCIA E TECNOLOGIA 52.000,00 25.131,60 0,00 0,00 13.332,40 0,00 38.464,00 38.464 38.464 58 - POLITO POLITECNICO DI TORINO 66.975,00 32.369,02 0,00 0,00 29.105,98 0,00 61.475,00 61.475 61.475 59 - TOWL FONDAZIONE TORINO WIRELESS 60.280,00 29.133,32 0,00 0,00 20.260,68 0,00 49.394,00 49.394 49.394 60 - INDEA FUNDACION DE LA COMUNITAT VALENCIANA PARA LA PROMOCION ESTRATEGICA EL DESARROLLO Y LA INNOVACION URBANA 61.200,00 29.577,96 0,00 0,00 27.311,04 0,00 56.889,00 56.889 56.889 61 - TIA TALLER INNOVACION ABIERTA 39.560,00 19.119,35 0,00 0,00 20.440,65 0,00 39.560,00 39.560 39.560 62 - FVH FORUM VIRIUM HELSINKI OY 58.930,00 28.480,87 0,00 0,00 21.898,13 0,00 50.379,00 50.379 50.379 63 - WAAG STICHTING WAAG SOCIETY 99.985,00 48.322,75 0,00 0,00 54.942,25 0,00 103.265,00 103.265 103.265 64 - JMP JMP INGENIEROS SL 49.528,00 23.936,76 0,00 0,00 30.267,24 0,00 54.204,00 54.204 54.204 65 - JIG J.I.G. INTERNET CONSULTING SL 24.980,00 12.072,83 0,00 0,00 12.951,17 0,00 25.024,00 25.024 25.024 66 - GRADIANT FUNDACION CENTRO TECNOLOXICO DE TELECOMUNICACIONS DE GALICIA 75.000,00 36.247,50 0,00 0,00 38.165,50 0,00 74.413,00 74.413 74.413 67 - PCITAL PARC CIENTIFIC I TECNOLOGIC AGROALIMENTARI DE LLEIDA 71.024,00 34.326,00 0,00 0,00 36.086,00 0,00 70.412,00 70.412 70.412 68 - FUSP FUNDACAO DE APOIO A UNIVERSIDADE DE SAO PAULO 54.458,00 26.320,00 0,00 0,00 26.249,00 0,00 52.569,00 52.569 52.569 69 - UFU FUNDACAO DE APOIO UNIVERSITARIO 29.728,00 14.368,00 0,00 0,00 15.393,00 0,00 29.761,00 29.761 29.761 70 - UFC UNIVERSITE DE FRANCHE-COMTE 23.400,00 11.309,00 0,00 0,00 16.467,00 0,00 27.776,00 27.776 27.776 71 - ONE ONE SOURCE CONSULTORIA INFORMATICA LDA 72.000,00 34.798,00 0,00 0,00 21.056,00 0,00 55.854,00 55.854 55.854 72 - dotopen dotopen s.l. 39.936,00 19.301,00 0,00 0,00 20.780,00 0,00 40.081,00 40.081 40.081 73 - LCU LINK CAMPUS UNIVERSITY 99.000,00 47.847,00 0,00 0,00 39.093,00 0,00 86.940,00 86.940 86.940 74 - Bismart BISMART BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE SPECIALIST SERVICES SL 60.800,00 29.385,00 0,00 0,00 61.815,00 0,00 91.200,00 91.200 91.200 40.999.000,00 19.212.166,93 2.475.300,50 10.437.264,57 65.072,00 -1.153.895,49 6.852.606,00 1.153.895,49 39.042.410,00 2.684.742 12.078.934 24.278.734 39.042.410 Max Funding Total Prefinancing Payment Total First Interim Payment Total Second Interim Payment Managed by the EC Final Payment Pending Reimbursement Final Payment Tranche 1 Final Payment Tranche 2 Total Payments Accepted Funding R1 Accepted Funding R2 Accepted Funding R3 TOTAL ACCEPTED FUNDING Thanks. BR Javier. Javier de Pedro Sánchez Telefónica I+D De: JAVIER DE PEDRO SANCHEZ Enviado el: martes, 12 de julio de 2016 18:03 Para: fiware-administrative at<mailto:fiware-administrative at>; 'old-fiware at' ; 'old-fiware-pcc at' ; 'old-fiware-wpl at' ; 'old-fiware-wpa at' ; 'old-fiware-ga at' CC: JUAN JOSE HIERRO SUREDA ; MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO ; eu_research Asunto: Grant Agreement No. 285248 FI-WARE. Financial assessment for reporting period P3 from 01/05/2013 to 31/12/2014. FINAL PAYMENT Importancia: Alta Dear all Today we have received the Financial Statements of the third period of FI-WARE project from the Commission. Please find attached 5 files regarding the Commission's assessment of the third period. Please note that according to Article II.5.8 of the grant agreement, the consortium may give reasons for any disagreement with the outcome of the Commission's assessment within two months from the date of receipt of this message. If we do not submit a written request within this period, the consortium is deemed to have accepted the Commission's decision. So, please check the attached documents and if you don't agree with the outcome of the Commission's assessment, please send an e-mail to the coordinator juanjose.hierro at<mailto:juanjose.hierro at> with copy to miguel.carrillopacheco at<mailto:miguel.carrillopacheco at> and eu_research.tid at<mailto:eu_research.tid at> by the end of July, 2016. Besides, the Commission asked us to inform you that -According to Article II.22 of the grant agreement, the Commission may, at any time during the implementation of the project and up to five years after the end of the project, arrange for financial audits to be carried out, by external auditors, or by the Commission services themselves including OLAF. -According to Article II.23 of the grant agreement, the Commission may initiate a technical audit or review at any time during the implementation of the project and up to five years after the end of the project. Please inform the other beneficiaries of the results of the financial assessment for this last reporting period. IMPORTANT: We need to know if any partner disagrees with the Commission's assessment before paying the Final Payment. Please take in account that I'll contact with all of you in another particularized e-mail to confirm your banking account. Thanks. BR Javier. Javier de Pedro Sánchez Telefónica I+D ________________________________ Este mensaje y sus adjuntos se dirigen exclusivamente a su destinatario, puede contener información privilegiada o confidencial y es para uso exclusivo de la persona o entidad de destino. Si no es usted. el destinatario indicado, queda notificado de que la lectura, utilización, divulgación y/o copia sin autorización puede estar prohibida en virtud de la legislación vigente. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, le rogamos que nos lo comunique inmediatamente por esta misma vía y proceda a su destrucción. The information contained in this transmission is privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, do not read it. 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