[Fiware-wpl] FI-WARE: Amendment 3

Tue Feb 5 12:09:03 CET 2013

Dear all, Project Officer has accepted the requested changes #2, #3, #4, #5 and #6. We are working to submit the third amendment.

[cid:image003.jpg at 01CE0399.962D64C0]

The rest of the changes are still under his evaluation for next amendments.


De: subsidies-bounces at tid.es [mailto:subsidies-bounces at tid.es] En nombre de JAVIER DE PEDRO SANCHEZ
Enviado el: viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2012 14:16
Para: fiware-administrative at lists.fi-ware.eu; fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu; fiware-legal at lists.fi-ware.eu
CC: subsidies at tid.es
Asunto: [Subsidies] FI-WARE: Amendment 2
Importancia: Alta

Dear all, Project Officer has accepted the requested changes #1 and #49 of the amendment 2.

[cid:image001.jpg at 01CE0398.BEB924C0]

The rest of the changes are still under his evaluation for next amendments.


De: fiware-legal-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-legal-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu> [mailto:fiware-legal-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] En nombre de JAVIER DE PEDRO SANCHEZ
Enviado el: miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012 10:56
Para: fiware-administrative at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-administrative at lists.fi-ware.eu>; fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu>; fiware-legal at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-legal at lists.fi-ware.eu>
CC: subsidies at tid.es<mailto:subsidies at tid.es>
Asunto: [Fiware-legal] RV: FI-WARE: Amendment 2

Dear all,
Yesterday I received a message from a partner who told me he hadn't received my previous e-mail. It was due of the size of the DoW.

In order to be sure that all of you receive this important e-mail, I send it again in a plain text with references to the docs in the forgefusion utility of the project and without attachments.
I apologize if you receive this e-mail twice. Twice better than none.

Please find the links to the documentation about amendment 2:


DoW (Sent to P.O.) -> http://forge.fi-ware.eu/docman/view.php/27/1716/FI-WARE+-+Amendment+2+-+DoW+-+v2.docx Modified Dow with the requested modifications and the received comments.
Description of the requested changes (Sent to P.O.) -> http://forge.fi-ware.eu/docman/view.php/27/1717/FI-WARE+-+Amendment+2+-+Change+Details+-+v2.pdf It's a printed extract of the excel file
Details of the changes in the budget (Sent to P.O.) -> http://forge.fi-ware.eu/docman/view.php/27/1718/FI-WARE+-+Amendment+2+-+Budget+Details.pdf  It's a printed extract of the excel file
Excel file with the changes and calculations (Sent to you): http://forge.fi-ware.eu/docman/view.php/27/1720/FI-WARE+-+Amendment+2+-+v2.xlsx It's a second version where I have changed the look&file of the "Changes - Amendment 2" sheet.

Amendment's Schedule:
To send to Consortium: November 22th, 2012 (Done)
To receive comments: By November 24th, 2012   (Done)
To update amendment with the comments: November 25th, 2012 (Done)
To send to Project Officer to be evaluated: November 25th, 2012. (Done)
To sign new GPF: After the approval of Commission and only by the partners which budget has been modified. (Pending)
To sign FORM-B (GA) and the adherence to the CA: After the approval of Commission and only by the new partners in the Consortium. (Pending)

Please, don't hesitate to ask me if you need any additional information. (Please, to avoid spam for others, send the e-mail to me, keeping subsidies at tid.es<mailto:subsidies at tid.es> in the recipient list)
We and you are spending a lot of time trying to close the final version and we think it is done,  but if there is something important to change (a mistake or misunderstanding), please tell me it as soon as possible. We´ll try to manage it.
Please don't request any additional change more not approved by Juanjo Hierro. More changes will have to wait to next amendments.

As usual, I kindly ask you to send me and e-mail telling me that you agree with the changes. No news from you in a week will mean you agree.


De: fiware-administrative-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-administrative-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu> [mailto:fiware-administrative-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] En nombre de JAVIER DE PEDRO SANCHEZ
Enviado el: jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2012 1:51
Para: fiware-administrative at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-administrative at lists.fi-ware.eu>; fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu>
Asunto: [Fiware-administrative] FI-WARE: Amendment 2

Dear all, first I apologize for this huge e-mail but this second amendment has too many changes and we have spent a lot of time on it. Thank you very much for your contributions, without them, this would be impossible.

Please find enclosed:

1.- The updated DoW (with version control on).

2.- An Excel file called "FI-WARE - Amendment 2" where you can find the following sheets:
Funding Current DoW : The effort and funding in the current DoW.
Changes - Amendment 2: Brief description of each change.
PM Amendment 2: New effort.
NEF before & after: Budget and Funding. How it was and how it will be on NEF.

If you have any relevant comments or questions please do it to subsidies at tid.es<mailto:subsidies at tid.es> as soon as possible. Our goal is to send it to Project Officer by November 24th, 2012.

Note: In this amendment we (as coordinator) are going to inform to the Project Officer that our bank account has changed due to the fusion of two Spanish banks.



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