[Fiware-wpl] FI-WARE Live demo update

Fasse, Axel axel.fasse at sap.com
Fri Feb 15 14:16:04 CET 2013

Dear Pascal, Dear Juanjo,

It think that could be a good topic for our call on Monday.
Beside this I would like to bring some additional topics to the agenda:

·         Status & Planning Open innovation Lab

o   I have not seen any kind of discussion with the Legal departments and because of that I a really worried about the planned timeline. Actually I can not imagine that we are able to start the OIL in Time. This might lead to additional cost cuttings and "interesting discussions" within the next review

·         Cost Cutting

o   I would suggest that TID send's an official mail to the EC that we need the feedback about the resubmission of our deliverables. Otherwise we are not able to do claim the "blocked" efforts in the proposed timeframe

o   I think it is not possible to wait any longer for their feedback. If it takes additional weeks until they provide the official answer, we will not be able to handle their requests before the next review meeting accordingly.

·         We need an official time-planning for the deliverables, OIL, Onborading of the new Use-Cases  and the reviews as soon as possible

o   I am talking about deadlines that have been agreed by the EC. Otherwise it is nearly impossible to avoid complains about "... delivery is too late ..." --> cost cutting , ..

·         Onboarding of the Use-Cases is delayed. Having a look at BEMES, we should not accept these long time that takes the onboarding process  of the new partners

o   Maybe we can mention this topic within one of the next mails to the EC

Hopefully we will have the chance to discuss these Topics in Monday.

Best regards,

From: fiware-wpl-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu [mailto:fiware-wpl-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] On Behalf Of BISSON Pascal
Sent: Freitag, 15. Februar 2013 13:34
Cc: fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu
Subject: [Fiware-wpl] FI-WARE Live demo update

Dear Juanjo,

Could we hear from what's happening regarding the FI-WARE Live demo under preparation for next review ?

Being said Security chapter was not involved in Fi-WARE live demo for M18 but would like to get involved for M24 live demo could please let me know who should I contact to get first enlisted and second enroll people appointed at the level of my team to work on the topic.

Hearing from you.

Best Regard p class=MsoNormal>Pascal
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