[I4trust] i4Trust Communication and Dissemination Plan - Monthly calls.

Angeles Tejado angeles.tejado at fiware.org
Wed Apr 14 21:37:22 CEST 2021

Dear all

I will schedule a monthly call just for communications. Starting next
Friday at 9.00 (will take one hour)

Just to avoid confusion, the i4Trust DACs (Dissemination and Communication
Plan) includes the Strategy and its *implementation plan* including *targeted
and concrete actions,* *specific timelines *and key performance indicators. *It
will be used by the consortium* as a *reference and a guide* to better
execute and coordinate communication efforts and effective promotion of
their *concrete tasks and results*; on the other hand, to provide *all
actors involved in the promotion of the i4Trust technologies and community
with the right means and tools* to raise awareness and maximize the impact,
visibility and accessibility of the project and its results to the main
audiences: SMEs, DIHs, Data Marketplace providers, Data Sharing Experts,
Policy Makers.

The DACS will be updated and adjusted as the project progresses with a
second version in M18.

The plan might be modified according to the project needs. It will be
updated and adapted, if needed, through the duration of the project. It
will also rely heavily on and influence other deliverables. The overall
DACP will be implemented in an agile, iterative manner to allow flexibility
and adaptability to the project evolution, needs and profiles of the
different stakeholder groups.

We need a process to follow up that can be summarised in an action plan
that we will follow together with a preliminary event calendar (including
webinars, workshops, etc..), budget, expected comms (emailings, brochures,
videos, etc...), media outreach, etc. If we agree on having a workshop to
define together the comss plan we will do after the meeting next Friday.
But meetings when the plan is agreed and consolidated should not take more
than one hour.

I will send an invite to:

- iShare: Trudy, Rajiv, Jane

- Fundingbox: Rosa, Margarita

- FIWARE: Tonia, Cristina, Quy, Giacomo and Juanjo.

If I should delete / add someone let me know now.


Angeles Tejado
Senior Marketing Manager
M. +34 608 50 88 73
angeles.tejado at fiware.org
Skype: vemiles1

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