[Masterdata] R: Expectations to get the support letter?

Alberto Abella alberto.abella at fiware.org
Thu Nov 5 13:23:36 CET 2020

ok at 14:00  unless you tell me something I will submit
On Thu, 2020-11-05 at 12:03 +0000, Andrea Chiancone wrote:
> I think we fail. I have just now received a negative confirmation
> (for reasons of time to find the signatures) and I think that with
> regard to the others we are waiting for, not much
>  changes in an hour.
> Andrea Chiancone, PhD
> Engineer & Project Manager
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> www.agricolus.com
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> Da: Alberto Abella <alberto.abella at fiware.org> 
> Inviato: giovedì 5 novembre 2020 13:01
> A: Andrea Chiancone <a.chiancone at agricolus.com>
> Oggetto: Expectations to get the support letter?
> we have one hour left, do you think that you will get a support
> letter?
Alberto Abella
Data Modelling Expert and Technical Evangelist

alberto.abella at fiware.org
Skype123: albertoabellagarcia


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