November 2011 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Nov 3 09:15:15 CET 2011
Ending: Wed Nov 30 13:34:15 CET 2011
Messages: 50
- [Fiware-apps] FI-WARE: URGENT: Your input for the FI-WAre technical activities report is required!
Javier Soriano (FI-UPM)
- [Fiware-apps] FI-WARE: WP3 Activities Report
Javier Soriano (FI-UPM)
- [Fiware-apps] FW: [Fiware-wpa] URGENT: Slides for the review (status and more detailed template) --> Contribution WP3 Apps and Services Ecosystem and Delivery Framework
Javier Soriano (FI-UPM)
- [Fiware-apps] [Fiware-wpa] FW: URGENT: Slides for the review (status and more detailed template) --> Contribution WP3 Apps and Services Ecosystem and Delivery Framework
Javier Soriano (FI-UPM)
- [Fiware-apps] [Fiware-wpa] FW: URGENT: Slides for the review (status and more detailed template) --> Contribution WP3 Apps and Services Ecosystem and Delivery Framework
Javier Soriano (FI-UPM)
- [Fiware-apps] FI-WARE: URGENT: Your input for the FI-WAre technical activities report is required!
Pablo Arozarena
- [Fiware-apps] FW: [Fiware-wpa] URGENT: Slides for the review (status and more detailed template) --> Contribution WP3 Apps and Services Ecosystem and Delivery Framework
Pablo Arozarena
- [Fiware-apps] [Fiware-wpa] FW: URGENT: Slides for the review (status and more detailed template) --> Contribution WP3 Apps and Services Ecosystem and Delivery Framework
Pablo Arozarena
- [Fiware-apps] Emailing: FI-WARE M6 Review Apps and Services Ecosystem and Framework 11-11-18_v0 6.ppt
Bohnert, Thomas Michael
- [Fiware-apps] Need your help: vote for a submission from FI-WARE
Miguel Carrillo
- [Fiware-apps] [Fiware-wpa] FW: URGENT: Slides for the review (status and more detailed template) --> Contribution WP3 Apps and Services Ecosystem and Delivery Framework
Calin Curescu
- [Fiware-apps] [Fiware-wpa] FW: URGENT: Slides for the review (status and more detailed template) --> Contribution WP3 Apps and Services Ecosystem and Delivery Framework
Calin Curescu
- [Fiware-apps] [Fiware-wpa] FW: URGENT: Slides for the review (status and more detailed template) --> Contribution WP3 Apps and Services Ecosystem and Delivery Framework
Calin Curescu
- [Fiware-apps] [Fiware-wpa] FW: URGENT: Slides for the review (status and more detailed template) --> Contribution WP3 Apps and Services Ecosystem and Delivery Framework
Yosu Gorroñogoitia
- [Fiware-apps] [Fiware-wpa] FW: URGENT: Slides for the review (status and more detailed template) --> Contribution WP3 Apps and Services Ecosystem and Delivery Framework
Yosu Gorroñogoitia
- [Fiware-apps] URGENT: Your input for FI-Ware technical activities report is required
Heller, Markus
- [Fiware-apps] URGENT: Your input for FI-Ware technical activities report is required
Heller, Markus
- [Fiware-apps] FI-WARE: WP3 Activities Report
Heller, Markus
- [Fiware-apps] FI-WARE: WP3 Activities Report --> Updated Version V0.4
Heller, Markus
- [Fiware-apps] FI-WARE: WP3 Activities Report --> Updated Version V0.4
Heller, Markus
- [Fiware-apps] Detailed comments on the Apps Backlog information available on the Wiki/Tracker
Heller, Markus
- [Fiware-apps] FW: [Fiware-wpa] URGENT: Slides for the review (status and more detailed template) --> Contribution WP3 Apps and Services Ecosystem and Delivery Framework
Heller, Markus
- [Fiware-apps] [Fiware-wpa] FW: URGENT: Slides for the review (status and more detailed template) --> Contribution WP3 Apps and Services Ecosystem and Delivery Framework
Heller, Markus
- [Fiware-apps] FW: [Fiware-wpa] FW: URGENT: Slides for the review (status and more detailed template) --> Contribution WP3 Apps and Services Ecosystem and Delivery Framework
Heller, Markus
- [Fiware-apps] [Fiware-wpa] FW: URGENT: Slides for the review (status and more detailed template) --> Contribution WP3 Apps and Services Ecosystem and Delivery Framework
Heller, Markus
- [Fiware-apps] [Fiware-wpa] FW: URGENT: Slides for the review (status and more detailed template) --> Contribution WP3 Apps and Services Ecosystem and Delivery Framework
Heller, Markus
- [Fiware-apps] [Fiware-wpa] FW: URGENT: Slides for the review (status and more detailed template) --> Contribution WP3 Apps and Services Ecosystem and Delivery Framework
Heller, Markus
- [Fiware-apps] FW: Emailing: FI-WARE M6 Review Apps and Services Ecosystem and Framework 11-11-18_v0 6.ppt
Heller, Markus
- [Fiware-apps] [Fiware-wpa] FW: URGENT: Slides for the review (status and more detailed template) --> Contribution WP3 Apps and Services Ecosystem and Delivery Framework
Heller, Markus
- [Fiware-apps] Detailed comments on the Apps Backlog information available on the Wiki/Tracker
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-apps] FI-WARE WP3 weekly call
Leidig, Torsten
- [Fiware-apps] FW: Materializing Applications/Services Ecosystem and Delivery in FI-WARE
Leidig, Torsten
- [Fiware-apps] FW: [Fiware-wpa] Dissemination/Collaboration/Communication efforts
Leidig, Torsten
- [Fiware-apps] FW: [Fiware-wpa] IMPORTANT UPDATE/HINTS on Selection of Features for the 1st Minor Release and planning of 1st Sprint
Leidig, Torsten
- [Fiware-apps] FI-WARE: URGENT: Your input for the FI-WAre technical activities report is required!
Leidig, Torsten
- [Fiware-apps] Fi-ware apps: REMINDER: FW: FI-WARE: URGENT: Your input for the FI-WAre technical activities report is required!
Leidig, Torsten
- [Fiware-apps] FI-WARE WP3 weekly call
Leidig, Torsten
- [Fiware-apps] FIWARE Apps Call tody important
Leidig, Torsten
- [Fiware-apps] FW: [Fiware-wpa] List of ICT projects you are collaborating with_REQUESTED TO ALL WPL
Leidig, Torsten
- [Fiware-apps] Standards Managment
Leidig, Torsten
- [Fiware-apps] FW: [Fiware-wpa] Fwd: Submission of FI-WARE Deliverable D.12.3.a Report on Collaboration activities
Leidig, Torsten
- [Fiware-apps] FW: [Fiware-wpa] Fwd: Submission of deliverable D.2.2.b FI-WARE High-level Description (Product Vision)
Leidig, Torsten
- [Fiware-apps] FW: [Fiware-wpa] Fwd: Submission of FI-WARE Deliverable D.12.2.a Report on Communication and Dissemination activities
Leidig, Torsten
- [Fiware-apps] FI-Ware: Weekly conference cancled for today
Leidig, Torsten
- [Fiware-apps] FW: [Fiware-wpa] URGENT: Slides for the review (status and more detailed template) --> Contribution WP3 Apps and Services Ecosystem and Delivery Framework
Leidig, Torsten
- [Fiware-apps] FW: [Fiware-wpa] Fwd: Submission of FI-WARE Deliverable D.1.1.a Project Management Handbook
Leidig, Torsten
- [Fiware-apps] FW: [Fiware-wpa] URGENT: Slides for the review (status and more detailed template)
Leidig, Torsten
- [Fiware-apps] FI-WARE WP3 weekly call
Leidig, Torsten
- [Fiware-apps] FW: [Fiware-wpa] Fwd: RE: Review report
Leidig, Torsten
- [Fiware-apps] FW: [Fiware-wpa] Initial the feedback
Leidig, Torsten
Last message date:
Wed Nov 30 13:34:15 CET 2011
Archived on: Tue Dec 13 18:55:44 CET 2016
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