[Fiware-apps] WP3: Reminder: Urgent action items fro GE providers

Javier Soriano (FI-UPM) jsoriano at fi.upm.es
Wed Jun 5 19:34:39 CEST 2013

Dear Markus,

>  ****
> **·         **Have completed project form asked by the EC (mail from
> Jesús Villasante).  Draft available at:****
> **o    **
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f4lBauFu2Tn1Fs6TiWi19_fI-b1-zyRAlUE3z_-Elvg/edit
> ****
> Deadline for inputs to the form: *wednesday June 5, 12:00.*****
> ** **
> **

First of all, sorry for the delay in accomplishing this task. Do you think
that someone else should be notified of this "delayed" modification? I've
seen that the entries for some other GEs remain incomplete.

I've just finished with the entries for both the Wirecloud GEi and the
WStore GEi. I've included the WStore because it is mentioned in your emails
that all the GEs in the catalogue should have an entry in this form, and
that the new GEs should also have an entry in the catalogue... and by
transitivity: the new GEs should have an entry in this form :-)  What do
you think?


>  **
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