Dear Pier and All Thanks for your interest and prompt reply, all of you are very wellcome to the Exploitation chapter and it is better for control purposes and for adding people to exploitation chapter So please all of you have to request to join the Exploitation group in the forge and after these requests will be approved by me, all of you could access then to the mediawiki where the GE´s description were uploaded Tx Juan From: Garino Pierangelo [mailto:pierangelo.garino at] Sent: martes, 20 de marzo de 2012 12:09 To: Juan Bareño Guerenabarrena; fiware-wpl at; fiware-exploitation at Subject: R: GE´s Business Description Dear Juan & All, the access to the 'exploitation' wiki is limited to the people registered to that project on Forge. Since the requested descriptions are preparatory for a project deliverable and they involve all partners and several people at each site (WP contributions, but also partner contributions per each GE), I wonder if it could be more practical moving the page to the fi-ware-private wiki, where everybody already has access granted, and can contribute to it. BR Pier Da: fiware-exploitation-bounces at [mailto:fiware-exploitation-bounces at] Per conto di Juan Bareño Guerenabarrena Inviato: martedì 13 marzo 2012 19:46 A: fiware-wpl at; fiware-exploitation at Oggetto: [Fiware-exploitation] GE´s Business Description Dear All For the WP11 purposes (WP11.2.1 Deliverable - Exploitation Strategy, Sustainability and IPR Management), and according to the plan we agreed in the exploitation meeting at our last f2f meeting in Madrid, we need your contribution as WPLs, experts on each domain and as a members of the WP11, to review what Atos prepared for each G E in terms of business description to attract the business departments, the public at large and the technical departments with no advanced expertise and to position FI WARE in the market according to each GE´s market potential and time to market We have filled in some of the cells with the information we had, but we need your revision and support. It would be very useful if you could show some applicability examples <> After the Generic Enabler tables you can find a section for every partner who is participating in this chapter. In this section every partner should explain their plans with regard to this chapter exploitation. Please check the instructions below and complete each GE template and your exploitation plans before end of this month Thanks for your collaboration and for any doubt not hesitate to contact us Br Juan How to fill in the wiki? Every G.E. has a specific table in the Exploitation wiki media as can be seen below: * Description and added value: In this cell we have added simple information about the G.E., please feel free to change the description and to add information, the objective is to provide the reader with a clear and simple vision about the G.E. Added value: In this subsection we want to answer the following questions: * What is the main advantage you are promising your customer through this result/solution? * What kind of beneficial impact will your solutions have on the target customers business? * What are the main problems, needs and expectations perceived by the customers? Mainly, we have obtained this information of the section Critical product attributes, probably you could extend it and identify more problems. It would be really useful if you could provide some examples of applicability of the solutions. * Main Competitors Please identify the main competitors of the G.E, if any. You should indicate the name of the competitor and the competitor's product. Some companies are named, please feel free to delete the companies you think are not correct and add new ones. * Target Market We should answer the question: What FI-WARE roles are going to use the G.E. ? Some examples: FI-WARE GE Provider FI-WARE Instance Provider FI-WARE Application/Service Provider * Market Potential The information for this section has been obtained from: * The Tracker: we have filtered the column "FI-WARE Generic Enablers " and we have obtained the user cases that have applied information about the G.E. * The TestBed section: "Testbed_Fact_Finding_Investigation" * Sectors: What sectors are most likely to use the G.E. ? We have tried to answer these questions but your review is required. * Potential business models What commercialization methods are more commonly used with this kind of G.E. or what kind of commercialization methods are you thinking of using? For example: * Fixed term yearly * Fixed term monthly * Subscription plus pay per use * Pay per use only(hourly) * Pay per use only(monthly) * Delivery Description G.E. delivery: how is the G.E. going to be available for use, e.g.: * Web page * As a service * An API * Time to market We have used the information available on the "Testbed_Fact_Finding_Investigation" testbed version 1 (M15) testbed version 2 (M27) testbed version 3 (M36) You need to check this information. * IPR situation The information for this section has been extracted from the Materializing the FI-WARE Vision. Further information should be provided here, especially if you are planning to use this G.E. together with other FIWARE G.E. with incompatible license. * Standardization issues Please provide us with this G.E. standardization plan * Legal barriers Have you found any national or international legal barrier for the correct deployment of the G.E? Do you think that some rules should be changed in order to promote the adoption of the G.E.? * Individual Chapter Exploitation Plan After the Generic Enabler tables you can find a section for every partner who is participating in this chapter. In this section every partner should explain their plans with regard to this chapter exploitation. * What are your plans about the G.E.?. * Are you planning to introduce the G.E. into your portfolio? * Are you introducing the G.E. in any developer community? E.g. Bluevia,etc. * What role are you going to play with regard to the G.E? Will you be an integrator? Or Will you be a consultant? ------------------------------------------------------------------ This e-mail and the documents attached are confidential and intended solely for the addressee; it may also be privileged. If you receive this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and destroy it. 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