[Fiware-iot] testbed cockpit

Farkas, Lorant (NSN - HU/Budapest) lorant.farkas at nsn.com
Tue Jul 17 08:14:22 CEST 2012

Dear All,

Under the link 
there is the "testbed cockpit" where we have to fill information about
our assets. We neglected this so far, the only part having been filled
is Things Management, by Salvatore. I guess the reason is that he was
the only one from our WP having participated in the testbed WP weekly

Information about the cockpit:
This is the page to monitor what will be delivered for the testbed V1
(checked by  the GE owners) and when. 
- About the What 
Well as Testbed team we have (i) listed the GE to deliver for V1 on the
base of the roadmap indications and direct feedbacks from GE owners and
(ii) prepared the forms to allow the GE owners to check the requirements
they already provided in January and eventually modify them (the open
the form you have to click on the company name). By the way I want to
point out (once again) that the filling and management of the forms is
completely up to each GE owner (company). Then if you don't have
anything to install by July...well...you have decided to not install
- About the When 
Well as Testbed team we have indicated for each GE the foreseen date for
the V1 (i.e. end of July) and the postponed one by gathering such
information from the roadmap document and by crosschecking it directly
with the GE owners. 

I will create tasks for you in forge to fill this with the deadline end
of W30. I filled out the table with the information I have on your
assets, but for the details you need to click on the company name and
create the respective page.

Thanks & Br,


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