Hello, Regarding with the notes Pascal shared from WPLs/WPAs confcall on 20/12/2011 As Task 8.3 G.E. is highly dependent from WP3 Marketplace to discover the optional security enablers to be deployed, it should be mandatory that GE will be USDL compliant, or at least they that are security related. Furthermore the API's offered by this Marketplace is required to implement the communication between our G.E. and the Marketplace Best Regards ...... 5 .Presentation by Torsten Despite Torsten didn't have time to present all cross-chapter topics, he made emphasis on the need to push for making services provided by FI-WARE GEs available in the marketplace. This means that they should be defined in USDL. Juanjo: this should allow that a FI-WARE Instance Provider operating a FI-WARE Instance defined around the Marketplace GEs offer third parties the ability to publish their implementation of FI-WARE GEs in other chapters and get paid for their usage by applications. It would also help a FI-WARE Instance Provider operating a FI-WARE Instance that deploys all FI-WARE GEs to establish how it plans to charge for usage of their services by applications. AP: To setup Task Force on discussion about USDL. Mailing list to be created: fiware-usdl .......... ************************************ * Antonio García-Vázquez * * (+34) 91 214 9384 * * antonio.garcia at atosresearch.eu <mailto:antonio.garcia at atosresearch.eu> * ************************************ From: fiware-security-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu [mailto:fiware-security-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] On Behalf Of BISSON Pascal Sent: jueves, 19 de enero de 2012 10:22 To: Seidl, Robert (NSN - DE/Munich); TRABELSI, Slim; DI CERBO, Francesco; fiware-security at lists.fi-ware.eu; Michael Osborne Cc: LELEU Philippe Subject: [Fiware-security] FI-WARE - Architecture issues/concerns (PLEASEREPORT) Importance: High Dear Colleagues, As said Daniel and I will join the joint WPA(WPL) meeting. Focus is on joint WPA meeting to align on architectural issues. Daniel and I will join on behalf of the security team. Daniel will be attending as Security Architect of WP8. I do think this is a unique opportunity for us to make progress on architectural stuff and also converge with other participants to a more detailed architecture (better integrating the bits and pices coming from each of the ATs). As such I insist to get architectural issues and als to voice from our side (also yours) at this meeting. We will join to ours and try to have them addressed and get back to you with responses formulated at this internal type of Architecture Board meeting. Counting on you ALL and especially task leads, caretakers but also members of this team to mcontribute their hot and topical architectural questions by Tomorrow so Friday 20/01/2012 EOB. Many thanks in advance and consider it as a unique opportunity to get AB answers to topical questions this team has! Hearing from you. < p; Best Regards, Pascal ------------------------------------------------------------------ This e-mail and the documents attached are confidential and intended solely for the addressee; it may also be privileged. If you receive this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and destroy it. As its integrity cannot be secured on the Internet, the Atos group liability cannot be triggered for the message content. Although the sender endeavours to maintain a computer virus-free network, the sender does not warrant that this transmission is virus-free and will not be liable for any damages resulting from any virus transmitted. Este mensaje y los ficheros adjuntos pueden contener informacion confidencial destinada solamente a la(s) persona(s) mencionadas anteriormente pueden estar protegidos por secreto profesional. Si usted recibe este correo electronico por error, gracias por informar inmediatamente al remitente y destruir el mensaje. Al no estar asegurada la integridad de este mensaje sobre la red, Atos no se hace responsable por su contenido. Su contenido no constituye ningun compromiso para el grupo Atos, salvo ratificacion escrita por ambas partes. Aunque se esfuerza al maximo por mantener su red libre de virus, el emisor no puede garantizar nada al respecto y no sera responsable de cualesquiera danos que puedan resultar de una transmision de virus. ------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <https://lists.fiware.org/private/old-fiware-security/attachments/20120120/a1ca8ee0/attachment.html>
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