April 2013 Archives by date
Starting: Wed Apr 3 00:13:57 CEST 2013
Ending: Tue Apr 30 15:26:13 CEST 2013
Messages: 50
- [Fiware-testbed] Fwd: Re: [Fiware-wpl] VERY IMPORTANT: amendment 4 of the FI-WARE DoW dealing with PMs reallocation - new ver. Quick Reaction needed - by 13.00 3rd April
Andrea Manieri
- [Fiware-testbed] New shared usage table for phase 2 now is on-line
stefano de panfilis
- [Fiware-testbed] VERY IMPORTANT:amendment 4 of the FI-WARE DoW dealing with PMs reallocation - new ver.Quick Reaction needed - by 13.00 3rd April - Specifically to TID, THALES, TI, FT
Andrea Manieri
- [Fiware-testbed] R: VERY IMPORTANT:amendment 4 of the FI-WARE DoW dealing with PMs reallocation - new ver.Quick Reaction needed - by 13.00 3rd April - Specifically to TID, THALES, TI, FT
Garino Pierangelo
- [Fiware-testbed] Availability of Cloud Proxy boxes
Heijnen Henk
- [Fiware-testbed] Availability of Cloud Proxy boxes
Miguel Carrillo
- [Fiware-testbed] Availability of Cloud Proxy boxes
Heijnen Henk
- [Fiware-testbed] Availability of Cloud Proxy boxes
thierry.nagellen at orange.com
- [Fiware-testbed] Availability of Cloud Proxy boxes
Heijnen Henk
- [Fiware-testbed] Availability of Cloud Proxy boxes
thierry.nagellen at orange.com
- [Fiware-testbed] R: Availability of Cloud Proxy boxes
Garino Pierangelo
- [Fiware-testbed] FI-WARE: Amendment 4 - WP10 (new version required, excel and word)
Andrea Manieri
- [Fiware-testbed] FI-WARE: Amendment 4 - WP10 (new version required, excel and word)
Andrea Manieri
- [Fiware-testbed] D10.3.2 Integration plan
Sandfuchs, Thorsten
- [Fiware-testbed] PHC today
Lorant Nemeth
- [Fiware-testbed] PHC today
Heijnen Henk
- [Fiware-testbed] FI-WARE: Amendment 4 - WP10 (new version required, excel and word)
Miguel Carrillo
- [Fiware-testbed] R: Re: FI-WARE: Amendment 4 - WP10 (new version required, excel and word)
Andrea Manieri
- [Fiware-testbed] R: Re: FI-WARE: Amendment 4 - WP10 (new version required, excel and word)
Miguel Carrillo
- [Fiware-testbed] R: Re: FI-WARE: Amendment 4 - WP10 (new version required, excel and word)
Andrea Manieri
- [Fiware-testbed] R: Re: FI-WARE: Amendment 4 - WP10 (new version required, excel and word)
Miguel Carrillo
- [Fiware-testbed] R: Re: FI-WARE: Amendment 4 - WP10 (new version required, excel and word)
Juanjo Hierro
- [Fiware-testbed] R: Re: FI-WARE: Amendment 4 - WP10 (new version required, excel and word)
Andrea Manieri
- [Fiware-testbed] Testbed down
Miguel Carrillo
- [Fiware-testbed] timely submission of D.10.5.2 endangered
Sandfuchs, Thorsten
- [Fiware-testbed] timely submission of D.10.5.2 endangered
stefano de panfilis
- [Fiware-testbed] validation report - your support for some nice graphics?
Sandfuchs, Thorsten
- [Fiware-testbed] validation report - your support for some nice graphics?
stefano de panfilis
- [Fiware-testbed] WP10 phc today?
Salvatore Longo
- [Fiware-testbed] WP10 phc today?
Lorant Nemeth
- [Fiware-testbed] WP10 phc today?
stefano de panfilis
- [Fiware-testbed] wp10 phc of today in 15 minutes: urge help!
stefano de panfilis
- [Fiware-testbed] WP10 phc today?
Miguel Carrillo
- [Fiware-testbed] Fwd: wp10 phc of today in 15 minutes: urge help!
stefano de panfilis
- [Fiware-testbed] weekly phc
stefano de panfilis
- [Fiware-testbed] Fwd: wp10 phc of today in 15 minutes: urge help!
- [Fiware-testbed] Fwd: wp10 phc of today in 15 minutes: urge help!
- [Fiware-testbed] Observationsdraft for 10.5.1 report on validation process
Sandfuchs, Thorsten
- [Fiware-testbed] wp10 phc of today in 15 minutes: urge help!
Lorant Nemeth
- [Fiware-testbed] FI-WARE WP10 weekly phc
Nemeth, Lorant (NSN - HU/Budapest)
- [Fiware-testbed] FI-WARE WP10 weekly phc
stefano de panfilis
- [Fiware-testbed] FI-WARE: Periodic Report - M13 - M24 (WP10) - call for contribution
laura pucci
- [Fiware-testbed] Observationsdraft for 10.5.1 report on validation process
Sandfuchs, Thorsten
- [Fiware-testbed] Initial version of 10.5.2 validation report
Sandfuchs, Thorsten
- [Fiware-testbed] Initial version of 10.5.2 validation report
Sandfuchs, Thorsten
- [Fiware-testbed] Observationsdraft for 10.5.1 report on validation process
Sandfuchs, Thorsten
- [Fiware-testbed] FI-WARE WP10 weekly phc
- [Fiware-testbed] FI-WARE WP10 weekly phc
Salvatore Longo
- [Fiware-testbed] FI-WARE: Periodic Report - M13 - M24 (WP10) - call for contribution
Sandfuchs, Thorsten
- [Fiware-testbed] FI-WARE WP10 weekly phc
Lorant Nemeth
Last message date:
Tue Apr 30 15:26:13 CEST 2013
Archived on: Tue Dec 13 19:01:21 CET 2016
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