[Fiware-tools] Methodology ToC

Matteo Melideo matteo.melideo at eng.it
Tue Feb 14 10:10:17 CET 2012

Hi Roozbeh,
very good idea.

Please let's tart to think of it. Mine wanted to be just a preliminary 
ToC that needs to be further detailed.



Il 14/02/2012 09:52, Farahbod, Roozbeh ha scritto:
> Hi Matteo,
> The overall structure looks fine to me. When we get into the more details, I think we need to talk about / define the following as well:
>   *   Roles: what roles do we involved in our methodology
>   *   Artifacts: what are the (even interim) products that are produced
>   *   Standards: which ones are recommended/considered by us
> If you see fit, we can already have subsections for these in the structure.
> Cheers,
> Roozbeh
> From: Matteo Melideo<matteo.melideo at eng.it<mailto:matteo.melideo at eng.it>>
> Reply-To: Matteo Melideo<matteo.melideo at eng.it<mailto:matteo.melideo at eng.it>>
> Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2012 17:28:52 +0100
> To: WP9_fi-ware<fiware-tools at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-tools at lists.fi-ware.eu>>
> Subject: [Fiware-tools] Methodology ToC
> Dear All,
> attached you can find a preliminary ToC of the methodology.
> Any comment is more than welcome.
> In addition to this, please let's think of what the three different versions will contain a part for improvements of the already existing texts, react to the reviewers comments, etc. In other words, do we want characterize since now the three versions of the document we are going to provide?
> Regard and have a nice w/e
> M.
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