[Fiware] Scientific Council Final version NDA

Michael Nilsson Michael.Nilsson at cdt.ltu.se
Wed Jun 29 12:39:12 CEST 2011

I suggest an addition in clause 6 Limitation:
d.    have to be disclosed or communicated in order to comply with national law or a court order.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Chadwick [mailto:d.w.chadwick at kent.ac.uk] 
Sent: den 21 juni 2011 14:48
Cc: JOSE JIMENEZ DELGADO; 'sastry at coe.berkeley.edu'; 'ruilaa at det.ua.pt'; 'Sergio.Bandinelli at esi.es'; 'piet.demeester at intec.ugent.be'; 'j.b.domingue at open.ac.uk'; 'dieter.fensel at sti2.at'; 'llorente at dacya.ucm.es'; Michael Nilsson; 'miguelpdl at tssg.org'; 'schotten at eit.uni-kl.de'; 'dora at telecom.ntua.gr'; 'Arian.ZWEGERS at ec.europa.eu'; JUAN JOSE HIERRO SUREDA; 'fiware at lists.fi-ware.eu'
Subject: Re: Scientific Council Final version NDA

Dear Luis and Jose

I have a number of questions on the NDA which I would like you to clarify please.

1. Clause 4.c appears to grant rights to FIWARE Participants to the Recipient's prior art that was protected before FIWARE started, but which the Recipient has used in evaluating FIWARE Participants material. 
I am sure this was not the intention, but this is my interpretation of the clause.

2. Clause 7. It is not clear whose innovations these are? Are they the FIWARE participants or the Recipients? I am sure the former is intended, but if so, this needs to be made explicit please.

3. Clause 11. Ten years seems to be excessive. Five years is more normal.

4. Authorised signatory. Who is this? Is it the Recipient himself or the Recipient's organisational head.

Many thanks


On 21/06/2011 09:03, LUIS GARCIA GARCIA wrote:
> Dear all,
> Find enclosed the NDA with the list of the participants in the FIWARE 
> project. Please, use this version for signature.
> Get in touch with us if you have any doubts
> Regards
> Luis García García
> Asesoria Jurídica // Legal Department
> Tfnos: +34 914832614 // +34913129666
> *Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.Unipersonal*
> DISTRITO C- Edificio Oeste 1, 5ª planta
> Ronda de la Comunicación s/n
> 28050-Madrid (España)
> cid:image001.png at 01CBC9F9.AC146AD0
> *Enviado el:* lunes, 20 de junio de 2011 14:03
> *Para:* JOSE JIMENEZ DELGADO; 'sastry at coe.berkeley.edu'; 
> 'ruilaa at det.ua.pt'; 'Sergio.Bandinelli at esi.es'; 
> 'd.w.chadwick at kent.ac.uk'; 'piet.demeester at intec.ugent.be'; 
> 'j.b.domingue at open.ac.uk'; 'dieter.fensel at sti2.at'; 
> 'llorente at dacya.ucm.es'; 'Michael.Nilsson at cdt.ltu.se'; 
> 'miguelpdl at tssg.org'; 'schotten at eit.uni-kl.de'; 'dora at telecom.ntua.gr'
> *CC:* 'Arian.ZWEGERS at ec.europa.eu'; JUAN JOSE HIERRO SUREDA; LUIS 
> GARCIA GARCIA; 'fiware at lists.fi-ware.eu'
> *Asunto:* RE: Scientific Council Final version NDA
> Dear all
> Here goes the final version of the NDA.
> Please have a look. If you have any problem please ask me or Luis
> (lgg at tid.es) in copy
> The plan is you bring the document signed at our first meeting (we 
> shall give you the details shortly)
> BR
> ----
> Jose Jimenez
> Telefonica I+D
> jimenez at tid.es
> tf +34 91 4832660
> *Enviado el:* martes, 14 de junio de 2011 17:03
> *Para:* 'sastry at coe.berkeley.edu'; 'ruilaa at det.ua.pt'; 
> 'Sergio.Bandinelli at esi.es'; 'd.w.chadwick at kent.ac.uk'; 
> 'piet.demeester at intec.ugent.be'; 'j.b.domingue at open.ac.uk'; 
> 'dieter.fensel at sti2.at'; 'llorente at dacya.ucm.es'; 
> 'Michael.Nilsson at cdt.ltu.se'; 'miguelpdl at tssg.org'; 
> 'schotten at eit.uni-kl.de'; 'dora at telecom.ntua.gr'
> *CC:* 'fiware at list.fi-ware.eu'; 'Arian.ZWEGERS at ec.europa.eu'; JUAN 
> *Asunto:* RE: Scientific Council
> Dear SC members
> Please disregard the NDA I sent to you this morning. Apparently there 
> are some small changes still requiered
> I hope to send the new version in a couple of days
> BR
> ------
> Jose Jimenez
> Telefonica I+D
> Madrid
> jimenez at tid.es
> +34 91 483 2660
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> *Enviado el:* martes, 14 de junio de 2011 12:04
> *Para:* JOSE JIMENEZ DELGADO; 'sastry at coe.berkeley.edu'; 
> 'ruilaa at det.ua.pt'; 'Sergio.Bandinelli at esi.es'; 
> 'd.w.chadwick at kent.ac.uk'; 'piet.demeester at intec.ugent.be'; 
> 'j.b.domingue at open.ac.uk'; 'dieter.fensel at sti2.at'; 
> 'llorente at dacya.ucm.es'; 'Michael.Nilsson at cdt.ltu.se'; 
> 'miguelpdl at tssg.org'; 'schotten at eit.uni-kl.de'; 'dora at telecom.ntua.gr'
> *CC:* 'fiware at list.fi-ware.eu'; 'Arian.ZWEGERS at ec.europa.eu'; JUAN 
> *Asunto:* RE: Scientific Council
> Dear Scientific Council Members
> As promised, please find attached the NDA we need you to sign before 
> we start our activities
> Please have a look. If you have any problem please ask me or Luis 
> (lgg at tid.es <mailto:lgg at tid.es>) in copy
> The plan is you bring the document signed at our first meeting (we 
> shall give you the details shortly)
> BR
> ------
> Jose Jimenez
> Fi-ware coordinator
> Telefonica I+D
> Madrid
> jimenez at tid.es
> +34 91 483 2660
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> *Enviado el:* jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011 17:34
> *Para:* 'sastry at coe.berkeley.edu'; 'ruilaa at det.ua.pt'; 
> 'Sergio.Bandinelli at esi.es'; 'd.w.chadwick at kent.ac.uk'; 
> 'piet.demeester at intec.ugent.be'; 'j.b.domingue at open.ac.uk'; 
> 'dieter.fensel at sti2.at'; 'llorente at dacya.ucm.es'; 
> 'Michael.Nilsson at cdt.ltu.se'; 'miguelpdl at tssg.org'; 
> 'schotten at eit.uni-kl.de'; 'dora at telecom.ntua.gr'
> *CC:* 'fiware at list.fi-ware.eu'; 'Arian.ZWEGERS at ec.europa.eu'; JUAN 
> *Asunto:* Scientific Council
> Dear Scientific council members
> As you know, the project kick off has already taken place in Madrid 
> past week. Unfortunately, not many SC members were available for an 
> initial SC meeting in Budapest and we have not had the opportunity to 
> meet you personally.
> We would like to inform you that we have started a project blog 
> http://www.fi-ware.eu/ where we intend to inform everybody about the 
> project and our developments. We would really encourage you to visit 
> our blog and participate in the activities.
> As you probably know, there has been some budget adjustments and we 
> need to be even more efficient in handling the Scientific council 
> activities and the number of meetings will be reduced. We would like 
> to have our kick off meeting of the Scientific Council after the 
> summer break, when we have new material and information. To start our 
> activities we would like to share some information with you and we 
> would require your signatures at the non disclosure agreement that we are preparing.
> After we have collected all the signatures, we should send you our 
> statement of work and an initial set of issues we would like to 
> discuss with you. We should have the opportunity to openly discuss 
> those issues at our first meeting. We are initially considering dates 
> for a one day meeting around the second or third week of October, 
> please send us your preferences.
> Best regards
> ----
> Jose Jimenez
> Director Public Programs and International Relations
> Telefonica I+D
> Madrid
> jimenez at tid.es
> tf +34 91 483 2660
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> -- Este mensaje se dirige exclusivamente a su destinatario. Puede 
> consultar nuestra política de envío y recepción de correo electrónico 
> en el enlace situado más abajo.
> This message is intended exclusively for its addressee. We only send 
> and receive email on the basis of the terms set out at.
> http://www.tid.es/ES/PAGINAS/disclaimer.aspx


David W. Chadwick, BSc PhD
Professor of Information Systems Security School of Computing, University of Kent, Canterbury, CT2 7NF Skype Name: davidwchadwick
Tel: +44 1227 82 3221
Fax +44 1227 762 811
Mobile: +44 77 96 44 7184
Email: D.W.Chadwick at kent.ac.uk
Home Page: http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/dwc8/index.html
Research Web site: http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/research/groups/iss/index.html
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