Hello Pinja, I will send you the email draft next week after I have spoken with the other LTPs. I believe that Philippe could help us a lot in designing individual roadmaps for take up and implementation of the PUCs. Have a good easter, [ https://www.netserv.it/ ] Federico Caiulo [ https://www.linkedin.com/company/netservice-bologna/?originalSubdomain=it | Net Service S.p.A. ] [ https://www.google.it/maps/place/Net+Service+S.p.A./@44.495538,11.341875,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x232fc86fb6931e9f!8m2!3d44.495538!4d11.341875 | Via Monte Grappa, 4/d - 40121 Bologna ] Mobile: 340 6066483 [ mailto:federico.caiulo at netserv.it?Subject=Richiesta%20informazioni%20su%20Net%20Service | federico.caiulo at netserv.it ] The information transmitted is intended only for use by the addressee and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, re-transmission, dissemination or other use of it, or the taking of any action in reliance upon this information by persons and/or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please inform the sender and/or addressee immediately and delete the material. Thank you. Da: "Karen Vega" <karen.vega at fiware.org> A: "pinja lehtonen" <pinja.lehtonen at demoshelsinki.fi> Cc: "Federico Caiulo" <federico.caiulo at netserv.it>, "adnan imeri" <adnan.imeri at infrachain.com>, "token-wp6" <token-wp6 at lists.fiware.org> Inviato: Giovedì, 7 aprile 2022 17:14:47 Oggetto: Re: Ealy adopters topic. Re: Intro Philippe Dardier Yes this will also help WP6 work to have a concrete business messages of why they should engage with us. Thanks. On Thu, Apr 7, 2022 at 10:12 AM Pinja Lehtonen < [ mailto:pinja.lehtonen at demoshelsinki.fi | pinja.lehtonen at demoshelsinki.fi ] > wrote: Hi all, Thanks Karen! Could Federico draft an email on what more specifically you would like to discuss with Philippe and send it to me? I will then be able to better persuade him to be in touch with you. It would be good to communicate also why this discussion would be interesting and/or beneficial for Philippe. All the best, Pinja -- Dr. Pinja Lehtonen Senior Expert, Interaction [ https://demoshelsinki.fi/ | Demos Helsinki ] Mechelininkatu 3d, 00100 Helsinki, Finland +358456703838 [ mailto:elisa.marjava at demoshelsinki.fi | pinja.lehtonen at demoshelsinki.fi ] [ https://www.linkedin.com/in/pinja-lehtonen/ | LinkedIn ] On Thu, Apr 7, 2022 at 5:18 PM Karen Vega < [ mailto:karen.vega at fiware.org | karen.vega at fiware.org ] > wrote: BQ_BEGIN Federico : Phillipe seemed a very busy person would be great to have him , Pinja wrote this on the minutes -> If you’d like to get in touch with Philippe, you can email pinja.lehtonen at demoshelsinki.fi so Pinja will make the introduction. Federico : Philippe,s profile below provided by Pinja , so that you are aware the person is very experienced and is even a city council member he spoke about some examples of voting on non political issues during the observatory he gave 2 examples one on using voting systems to engage people in the choice of books at libraries and another on choosing movies. P hilippe Dardier , a leading driver of blockchain implementation of public use cases in France. Phil is the Founder of EUTECH, the European Technology Chamber is a registered NGO on a mission to enable European businesses to use technology for the benefit of Europe and humanity. Phil has extensive experience in investment banking and crypto-currencies and is a city council member. I cc our Work package so that all are aware may be at a next meet On Thu, Apr 7, 2022 at 9:01 AM Federico Caiulo < [ mailto:federico.caiulo at netserv.it | federico.caiulo at netserv.it ] > wrote: BQ_BEGIN Hi Pinja, available to meet him if he can provide useful feedbacks on the demo with the obective of finding early adopters. Thank you, [ https://www.netserv.it/ ] Federico Caiulo [ https://www.linkedin.com/company/netservice-bologna/?originalSubdomain=it | Net Service S.p.A. ] [ https://www.google.it/maps/place/Net+Service+S.p.A./@44.495538,11.341875,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x232fc86fb6931e9f!8m2!3d44.495538!4d11.341875 | Via Monte Grappa, 4/d - 40121 Bologna ] Mobile: 340 6066483 [ mailto:federico.caiulo at netserv.it?Subject=Richiesta%20informazioni%20su%20Net%20Service | federico.caiulo at netserv.it ] The information transmitted is intended only for use by the addressee and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, re-transmission, dissemination or other use of it, or the taking of any action in reliance upon this information by persons and/or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please inform the sender and/or addressee immediately and delete the material. Thank you. -- Karen Vega Senior Manager [ mailto:karen.vega at fiware.org | karen.vega at fiware.org ] [ https://www.fiware.org/ | www.fiware.org ] [ https://www.linkedin.com/in/karenvega/ ] [ https://www.linkedin.com/in/karenvega/ | Linked-In/Karen Vega ] "The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today." H. Jackson Brown, Jr. American Author [ https://nexus.lab.fiware.org/fiware.signature ] BQ_END BQ_END -- Karen Vega Senior Manager [ mailto:karen.vega at fiware.org | karen.vega at fiware.org ] [ https://www.fiware.org/ | www.fiware.org ] [ https://www.linkedin.com/in/karenvega/ ] [ https://www.linkedin.com/in/karenvega/ | Linked-In/Karen Vega ] "The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today." H. Jackson Brown, Jr. American Author [ https://nexus.lab.fiware.org/fiware.signature ] -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <https://lists.fiware.org/private/token-wp6/attachments/20220414/df3d02c1/attachment.html>
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