[Fiware-friendly-testing] First results from Bitergia team: A methodology proposal

Alvaro del Castillo acs at bitergia.com
Fri Oct 10 11:44:07 CEST 2014

Hi all!

First report from Bitergia team. The goal of this email is not to talk
about results, but about the methodology followed.

During this week we have been working in the GEs assigned to our team,
and also in the FIWARE Labs (filabs). 

We have defined a methodology that maybe could be useful for others.

According to Juanjo email about how we should test the GEs there are
five scenarios: local machine, own virtual machine in filabs, already
exiting virtual machine with the GE in filabs, using Chef recipes and
using blueprints.

We have created a Wiki with a first table showing the state of each
scenario for the GEs. For accesing:

user: fiware
password: fiware


For each GE we have created a Wiki page (linked from the summary table)
with the description of the tests in each scenario. This description is
standard for all the GEs.

For example, for Orion Context Broker:


The index we have defined for the templates are:

GE Orion Context #4260
* Install process
 * From sources
   * Debian: Ubuntu 14.04, 64 bits
 * From packages
   * RPM: CentOS 6.5
   * Debian
* Test of available pre created images
* Test of Chef Recipes
* Test of Blue prints

With this template (which is extensible), based on the experience for
testing the 5 scenarios in the 4 GEs, we plan to deliver our work.

So, any thoughts about that? Juanjo and the rest of Telefonica team, is
it ok for you to deliver in this format our work?

Probably we should move this Wiki to someplace in FICORE Mediawiki.

Also, in the Wiki are the "clean" results. There are tickets linked with
all the background work needed to reach the results. We are opening in
stackoverflow and github some tickets. And we plan to start using the
fiware mailing list to ask some specific issues we have for the GEs.

Alvaro del Castillo San Félix
acs at bitergia.com - Chief Technical Officer (CTO)
"Software metrics for your peace of mind"

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