[Fiware-lab-help] trouble creating instances

Daniele Santoro daniele.santoro at create-net.org
Tue May 26 15:21:20 CEST 2015


It is strange that you did not receive any confirmation e-mail, anyway I can confirm the process to become a Community user for your organisation is started and is in progress, please wait couple of days, your coach will give you confirmation in any case.

To speed up the process in the meantime I will forward your issue to the Zurich node help desk, asking if they can provide a temporary public IP to you. In any case whenever your community upgrade request will be satisfied, the resources you asked should become available.


On 26 May 2015, at 11:40, joan <joan at timepath.ch> wrote:

> hi,
> the status of my account is "trial".
> i asked for an upgrade yesterday in an online form, but no email confirmation or other feedback so far.
> Also, we have tried several regions. 
> We are trying to create instances of the templates that integrate the generic enablers we want to use. This works  in certain regions (for example, zurich), but these regions have no public IPs available. the regions that have public ips available (spain2, mexico and sophia-antipolis) do not seem to have  a proper structure running (the instances of the templates that run in zurich give errors here).
>  I therefore believe the simplest is to get a public IP for zurich.
> Alternatively, please point us to a region where we can have, at the very least, these 3 things:
> a) a public IP
> b)  running the synchronisation GE
> c) running the Kurento GE
> we will later on need some other GE, but we need at least this to start.
> in fiware my organisation name is timepath, and my email account is joan at timepath.ch
> greg, in copy, should also have an account, with the email greg at timepath.ch
> Thanks!
> best,
> Joan
> 2015-05-26 11:30 GMT+02:00 Daniele Santoro <daniele.santoro at create-net.org>:
> Dear Joan,
> Can you please tell us:
> - The region you are using
> - Can you check and let us know the type of account you have (FIWARE Lab -> up right -> Click your user - > Settings -> Account status)
> Best,
> Daniele
> On 25 May 2015, at 22:22, joan <joan at timepath.ch> wrote:
> > hi,
> > i am not being able to create instances with an ip that is not a local one.
> > in the video tutorial to create isntances there appears an option to have a public ip, which i do not seem to have.
> >
> > i have also asked an organization account, but received no confirmation email (i have rechecked my spam folder, yes)
> >
> > i am wondering wether you could check if there is something wrong with my account. i created it some time ago, and maybe there has been a migration problem, or something similar (i keep getting requests to accept the terms and conditions, for example), or whether you could give me a public IP to move on with the development.
> > thanks!
> > Joan
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