Hi, I’ve just sent an email to the users reminding them that everything works as before regarding oauth. Federico, honestly I didn’t know we support that gran type, we have implemented the two that we included in the documentation of the GE. So we thought that that was enough for be compatible. Anyway if you need them, we are going to include the support for the other ones. But sincerely, I’m sure too many users are using that because it is not explained as supported in our documentation. Regarding the issue with the community users, we have sent several massive notifications explaining the new situation with the accounts. I’ve also sent you an internal mail with the precise explanation so I thought it was so clear. I agree with you in the fact that users that sent the community application and have not been added as community users yet (even they are accepted) are not able to use the infraestructure in other regions than spain2 until we add them. During the day of today I had not a minute to process them. All I can do is start tomorrow morning explaining IOs how to proceed with the insertion of the approved accounts and even help you processing some of them. Believe me, we are doing our best for this. Hope this helps. BR -- Álvaro > El 07 May 2015, a las 21:09, JUAN JOSE HIERRO SUREDA <juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com> escribió: > > > Gentlemen ... I can hardly believe that we are going through this ... How was the migration procedure tested? One of the reasons why we delayed deployment of the IdM until May was to allow proper testing of the new IdM and the migration procedure ... > > Sorry but this requires immediate repair action ... I know that we are not commiting a 24/7 SLA, but when so a big issue like this occurs, we have to go the extra mile ... > > Alvaro? Could you tell us where we are at the moment? > > Sincerely speaking, we won't be able to afford one complete day out of service ... All the credit we had been able to recover with our hard work this last month will fly away ... I hope we all understand that ... > > I stay tunned tonight waiting to hear about progress ... > > Enviado desde mi iPad > > Inicio del mensaje reenviado: > >> De: Federico Michele Facca <federico.facca at create-net.org <mailto:federico.facca at create-net.org>> >> Fecha: 7 de mayo de 2015 20:34:37 GMT+02:00 >> Para: Juanjo Hierro <juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com <mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>> >> Cc: fernando <fernando.lopezaguilar at telefonica.com <mailto:fernando.lopezaguilar at telefonica.com>> >> Asunto: disruption in several idm based services >> >> dear juanjo, >> there are number of services that are not working anymore, because the implemenation of oauth2 from the new idm and the supported grant are different. >> also we haven't informed users that they will need to wait that someone apply the status to them and assign to a node in the idm... (i understand alvaro, proposing the infrastructure to take care last night, since it is a quite big load, but then we should have warned users and infrastructure to be available today to fix that...) so we will get flooded with tickets (already actually) xD >> >> i didn't suppose things going like this... honestly i am quite frustrated :( >> >> tomorrow morning, i will ask the guys to have a look, but no gurantee infographics and term and conditions will get back working shortly. >> >> federico >> -- >> -- >> Future Internet is closer than you think! >> http://www.fiware.org <http://www.fiware.org/> >> >> Official Mirantis partner for OpenStack Training >> https://www.create-net.org/community/openstack-training <https://www.create-net.org/community/openstack-training> >> >> -- >> Dr. Federico M. 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