[Fiware-miwi] Review of R3.3 UTP und SW availability

Marti Christof (mach) mach at zhaw.ch
Mon Apr 28 09:39:12 CEST 2014


This weekend I finally hat time to review the Unit Testing Plans & SW. Regarding the large amount of date I could only check the basic structure and compared the tested features with the released according the roadmap.

In the R3.3 Dashboard I set the status of all GEi UTP to „Coord Review“ if I found no major topics.

Most of the UTP and SW are OK. Only the following need some clarifications/updates: 

- General:
I renamed the SW-Releases to „3.2.3“ and „3.3.3“ for all the GEis to be conform with the other packages (removed GEi-Names from the release entry, because they are already in the package-name) 

- 3D-UI XML-3D 
SW: Moved the File „DataFlowProcessing_R3.2.tar.gz“ to „3.2.3“ and removed the separate release entry. (no action required)
UTP: Missing, but features defined in Roadmap, so we need also an updated UTP, covering those features.

- DaaS:
SW: Still missing.
UTP: Available for 3.2 release. In the roadmap the features are mentioned in the 3.3 release. We need to clarify this. Is it released in 3.2 or 3.3 and move all the content accordingly.

- Real/Virtual Interaction
There is no update in R3.3, but the roadmap contains features for R3.3.
UTP R3.2:  contains tests for 40 Features, roadmap contains 41 features (incl. R3.3). (?)

SW: R3.3.3 SW for RPC over DDS, RPC over REST & FastBuffers components missing. 
Is promised to be updated today. Integrated KIARA is OK.

All the rest seems to be OK.

Best regards
InIT Cloud Computing Lab - ICCLab
Institut of Applied Information Technology - InIT
Zurich University of Applied Sciences - ZHAW
School of Engineering 
Phone: +41 58 934 70 63
Skype: christof-marti

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