Dear All, As we need to deliver a large number of deliverables quite soon, we need to get better organized. The minimum we need to do now is 8 items, as you find below. I tried to schedule 2 items/week, so that we manage to finish everything by the last week of July/first week of August. I tried to schedule on high level what we produce and by when. Accordingly I tried to break down all this to personalized tasks, I did not manage to map yet everything, but its on its way. As a result you might have already received e-mails from the fusion forge Task component, but there will be more created in the next days. I captured these in the tasks and not in the tracker as work items, because there was once a recommendation that deliverables are something that should not be captured as work items. I would like to get your opinion on the scheduling and I would like you to act when triggered by the tasks. Whenever you make progress on one of the tasks assigned to you, please record it in the respective task or just drop an e-mail to me. If you finish something before the deadlines proposed below, please do not hesitate to take the next item on your list, because these deadlines are already delayed with 1 month from the original planning. Thanks & Br, Lorant Partner contribution high level plan: WP2 deliverables where we need to contribute: D2.3 Architecture specifications end of W30 D2.4 Technical roadmap end of W31 WP5 deliverables (fully ours): D5.1 Open Specifications end of W28 D5.2 Software release end of W29 D5.3 Installation and Administration guide end of W28 D5.4 Users and Programmers guide end of W29 D5.5 Unit Testing Plan & Report end of W30 WP11 deliverables where we need to contribute: D11.4 Standardization plan and Report end of W31
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